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Everything posted by drugsdesire

  1. pls don’t say that she’s gonna come out and prove they’re married
  2. has anyone ever seen a notoriouswhitegirl post? ive literally been DYING to know what she would post on that account
  3. i think that bracelet is from xiv carats in beverly hills! i watched a tik tok video of jen showing her jewellery collection and iirc it was a similar bracelet, maybe even also pink. so it could be friendship bracelets also the nails are cute, i’m personally not a fan of dark nails, but the gold accents are nice
  4. most interesting new title from the upcoming project? any lyric teases?
  5. she always looks so beautiful when fresh-faced, just like lizzy this made my day
  6. the nessa song from her photo dump has such cute lyrics, our girl is happpyyyyy
  7. SHES SO BEAUTIFULLLLLL the sonny angel on her phone
  8. the anniversary of sylvia plath’s death is today, so that’s why she posted that. it’s interesting because now i’m wondering if sylvia had any major influence in the making of this album since she hasn’t posted stuff like this in a looong time
  9. praying for literally anything from her… i wouldn’t even be mad if she posted a mid photo dump, just ANYTHING. if it could be TRPWS related that would be great but tbh girl just show up pls
  10. something better happen on valentines day……i’ll never forget when she dropped a&w on vday the day after my birthday and it was the best gift ever, LANA DO IT AGAIN
  11. i mean venice bitch and mac came out a whole 11 months before she released nfr, and she posted a snippet for every single song besides bartender and tnbar sooo anything is possible
  12. scammys… did billie rlly get robbed for all her nominations????
  13. that’s it??? lowkey wish she would go live or something, would be fun
  14. i think a similar interpretation goes for that lyric in the sense that the notion of someone leaving is a threat in itself, and not a promise. maybe lana is comforting herself and telling herself that the person saying they will leave is a threat said out of anger, and not a promise. and thanks! i didn’t get it either at first, but thinking about lana’s lyrics always reminds me that she is truly a genius writer.
  15. i understood it like this: ”is a threat not a promise?” - if somebody is threatening to leave the relationship amidst an argument, it is almost like they are telling the other person that they will leave either way. when you threaten to leave, you’re promising that you will, now or one day, because a mere argument can push your thoughts in that direction. “quiet for days, baby, running away” - this likely refers to the act of leaving the relationship itself, or the person is being extra avoidant in the relationship and not showing their feelings, which causes the other person harm. “if you’re looking for rage/raging” - this is like a way of saying “you want chaos, i’ll give you chaos”. it seems like the other partner has abusive tendencies (threatening to leave, silent treatment, provocation) and essentially wants lana to react and to make a huge deal in order to turn the conflict into something to blame her for. this is just my interpretation!
  16. i doubt it, her and ariana had a falling out in 2020 after qftc. and we know how lana feels about cheating when she disproved the idea that jeremy had a wife and that lana ruined their marriage (when she said something along the lines of “and they have been separated for over 11 years” in a comment under a gossip post abt jeremy). it wouldn’t surprise me that she did it on purpose and unliked when she remembered people will see it or when the lady did that follow up video about lana liking it
  17. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEj5RB2ocud/?igsh=MXAxOWNxZmg3M2FnNg== lana liked and unliked this video 😭😭😭 here’s proof: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFQxE2DpS0p/?igsh=cHd3eTBkbWRzMzl6
  18. can you link this lolll
  19. i’m not shifting blame when the full blame shouldn’t be on her in the first place i understand where you’re coming from, but i don’t agree. sure it directly involves lana, but she can’t do anything about it if she doesn’t know. and if her team were to inform her, or if she were to find out someway, which i hope happens, she would know and take the right steps. i hope she knows and i hope she fires him, but her team is stopping that by silencing people and the girl for speaking out. i do get what ur saying but…
  20. the girl literally cannot get a hold of lana unless she goes through her team. the team is entirely at fault here. lana hired the bodyguard before the abuse even started. was she supposed to sense it and predict it 😭? you’re grasping at straws trying to make it about lana when her team is the weird one for silencing the victim. lana is autonomous but she surely cannot see everything that happens around her if she barely even uses instagram and does not have twitter/X which is what the girl primarily uses. her team could have told her about this, but instead tapmusic is deleting comments and ben is blocking people
  21. how is it her mistake make it make sense sis
  22. the abuse happened after she hired him. she had no way of knowing for those 1-2 years however long she had him as her bodyguard as he was abusing the girlfriend because the girl did not talk to lana’s team DURING the abuse. the girl only recently went to court and filed restraining orders and such. she even said she didn’t know all of that was abusive until her therapist told her so. this was recent. and why tf are we focusing on lana’s faults here and not her team’s? the team is the one who is deleting and enabling this behavior. why is lana getting dragged into this? even the girl said she doesn’t want to drag lana for this because SHE HAS NO WAY OF KNOWING UNLESS HER TEAM TELLS HER OR FIRES HIM 😭
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