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Everything posted by drugsdesire

  1. why did she delete itttt
  2. she’s so gorgeous oh wow also can somebody find that vape?
  3. the only thing i can think about is the fact that she still has the show makeup on…girl get some micellar water and cotton pads QUICK like pls ur skin needs to breathe
  4. same, this is me manifesting and praying! there’s no other plausible explanation that we know of, so if pictures of her and jack in alabama come out, you know who to thank
  5. could myb be because jack donoghue was in kentucky yesterday. maybe hes in alabama rn and perhaps they’re gonna take a trip across the country like they did last year
  6. it was flowing and it was a weird shape so i dont knowww
  7. what was that red/pink piece of paper in her belt at the beginning? it had something written on it i think
  8. zeidmoon on instagram is also gonna stream when lana comes on
  9. what makes you think people on lanaboards wanna see a pair of tits
  10. nah cause i’d die you’re very lucky!!!
  11. omg you’re living the dream how soft are her lips
  12. what did lana say in the last part of chemtrails?
  13. please if somebody recorded her doing her cute lil white mustang outro dance DO SHARE
  14. no cuz WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN she says it in a weird english accent or something, it confused me too at first
  15. she’s saying “if you want the butter…” in reference to the previous line which is “throw me round like a hot potato”
  16. exactly…but nothing will top her crying in dublin because she didn’t feel like she cared for herself while everyone was cheering for her kills me every time i’m reminded of that
  17. REALLY? i missed the brazil one, what song was it? i think she says “don’t you forget you sing for the lord”, idk
  18. off the top of my head: dublin 2013, atlanta 2018, amsterdam 2023? am i missing something?
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