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Everything posted by drugsdesire

  1. ikr, i was kinda annoyed during ultraviolence because the camera kept panning to the two dancers and honestly kudos to them bc the dance was beautiful but pls i wanna see lana too
  2. is it just me or did she seem super fucking sad during the concert? like her energy is just so off. during ride when the camera panned to her face i couldn’t believe how sad of an expression she had i hope she’s okay
  3. this is really unprofessional like lana idc how different u wanna be this looks SO BAD
  4. dm me, we can discuss this privately if you wish
  5. oh yall gotta be kidding me 😭😭😭
  6. the timeline you just showed me (which i knew about without you having to explain it to me) is literally what i said it was. you really think she was gonna hang out with francesco and make out with him so soon after the break up with barrie? of course she had known him before breaking up with barrie, that’s all i was insinuating. you can take your smartass attitude elsewhere because who the hell are you to insinuate that i’m a tik tok stan who has a parasocial relationship with her? do you even know what parasocial means? plus i’ve never even seen you post, so for my first time seeing you post and it being loud and wrong AND rude when you could’ve said what you wanted to say in a nicer way is very sad to see. this is silly banter about lana’s relationships because they’ve always been interesting and she herself said she doesn’t care if people talk about them. i don’t think that everything i hear about lana is true. also you’re not entitled to being rude to new fans (i’m not a new fan i’ve been a fan for 6-7 years) just because maybe you’ve been here longer than somebody else. you’re not a better fan than anybody else so stop acting like it
  7. yes, my mistake, you’re right. thank you!
  8. i was just telling a friend about this!!! it’s really weird and i hate it so much. especially with jack, it got so bad to the point where he just stopped deleting lana related comments because most of them were just that. evan also started deleting lana related comments. i think people shouldn’t bother them because it looks bad for lana and for the fans.
  9. yeah, i can see that being true. she hasn’t been single ever in her career, i don’t think. 2011-2014 barrie 2014-2015 barrie, francesco 2016 (rumoured) jonathan wilson 2017 g-eazy, chase stogel 2018 chase stogel, joe the boxer guy 2019 chase stogel, sean larkin 2020 sean larkin, clayton johnson 2021 clayton johnson, mike hermosa 2022 jack donoghue, evan winiker 2023 evan winiker, jack donoghue disclaimer: i don’t think that there’s anything wrong with having as many partners as she’s had so far, she’s a grown woman who can make her own decisions. this is just fan banter before somebody calls me “weird”
  10. if you look at the timeline of lana’s relationships, most of them literally overlap. the relationship with barrie and the relationship with francesco, her hooking up with james franco during her relationship with francesco, clay alluding that she was cheating on him, clay and lana breaking up in july and lana being seen with mike immediately after, the whole jack and evan on and off fiasco when jack sent her valentines day flowers while she was with evan… it’s a whole thing and anybody who denies it is delulu
  11. could u send it to me please i forgot about it
  12. as for 2021, we only know that she broke up with clay around july and started seeing mike hermosa in august. eventually they broke up by the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022 because lana and jack met on february 13th 2022 (super bowl sunday) and have dated until august/september (she was seen with evan around this time). then my post that i linked explains the rest. hope this helps! EDIT: also her and jack have been dating again since the end of april/beginning of may because mid april she was seen with evan at high water festival, then never seen with him again. lana was at jack’s birthday gathering (may 19th) and he was with her in brazil (from the 25th of may and onwards until they left brazil). recently (sunday june 11th or monday june 12th) somebody spotted them at bloomingsdale in century city, so they’re still together.
  13. people are so dramatic, lana del rey isn’t a persona now that she can kill off it’s literally herself fans are so obsessed with her retiring or changing her name or quitting music and it’s so weird
  14. this means no more birthday posts we took it all for granted
  15. it’s frustrating, sure, but when i think about it she doesn’t owe anyone anything i’m just as sad as everyone else but i hope she’s okay and i hope nothing serious happened that prompted her to just close it so suddenly
  16. lana if ur reading this we love you girl but PLEASE don’t leave us in the trenches
  17. why does she hate us… first the lanadelrey account and now honeymoon she hates the attention but she should literally either have a social media manager and keep her accounts or just have an account and post once every month, this just doesn’t make sense? why reactivate honeymoon, an iconic fan favorite account active since 2015, and then deactivate it? i wish she kept it and just decided not to post
  18. since february 2022. she broke up with mike around december 2021/january 2022
  19. yeah : ( she’s so sweet to everybody and it can really backfire sometimes
  20. the hugging picture was taken the day of her arrival to brazil and after that he started following her around everywhere god i really wish she didn’t have to deal with nutcases like this one
  21. yep, from what i’ve heard a guy that had already met her a couple of times in rio came up to her and told her he was stalking her the police intervened obviously and when she got to sao paulo, she had to leave the airport through the air force base because tons of fans were waiting for her there. it’s a scary world
  22. yes I was just thinking about this, but also I can tell something was really off, like more than the normal amount. you’d think she would be like this during her first show a week ago but she seemed perfectly fine last week (aside from the nerves at the beginning of the show). this time around she was 40 minutes late, sounded nervous, was slurring her speech when she’d talk to the audience etc. I’m guessing this has to do with the stalker situation that happened in rio and I really do hope she’s okay, I was literally on the edge of my seat because there were a few moments in the show where I thought she was gonna cry
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