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Everything posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. radioactive lowkey misandry coded and u know what I’m here for it
  2. we worked it out on the remix. I LOVE YOU IVORY ALMOND #twinnnn
  3. Anthems is on repeat as of late… insert Apple Store dancing girl gif here
  4. watch a lawsuit happens and they have to subpoena the entirety of hollywood & the nations of ireland, australia, brazil, croatia, israel, palestine, portugal, thailand, and essentially the united states.. how do i sign up for a subpoena now that i think about it.. i want my day in court.
  5. why would you post something so hateful? so negative and toxic?
  6. i think her hubby convinced her to announce it likeee everybody say thank u mr dufrene
  7. I’m sorry but this is just ridiculous
  8. theres people that are dying and yall are worried about a rebrand i cannot
  9. banned for being born in 2010 omfg
  10. june 28 2017 idfk enjoying the summer before 8th grade
  11. I honestly don't think it will happen. Yes other countries have women leadership but thats because other countries have differing views on women to begin with. Yes we had a black man as a president and honestly I think that is as diverse as it will get for leadership here in America. If America wasn't ready for a white woman from the midwest, what makes us think that America was ready for a Blasian Woman from the west coast? I know that myself and a lot of us were ready in 2016 and yesterday for either, but if you just take a quick look at the election results map, it's quite evident that middle america is vehemently against the concept. To be a woman in America, especially women of color, women that are outspoken, women that are educated, women that are strong, women that are independent... They are hated. They are vilified. They are crucified. They are shut down and beaten to submission. They are exiled. They are ultimately forgotten.
  12. going to be real with you.. america will never vote in a woman president. period. end of discussion.
  13. soundtrack for the next 4 years. nothing but unnerving ambient music.
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