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Crazy Husband Thief

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Posts posted by Crazy Husband Thief

  1. 5 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

    Kind of a lame pull to cash in on the demand for Lana imho 

    It’s Taylor Swift aka. Tracy Flick, so absolutely no surprise.

    2 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    imma leave this thread bc this taylor hate is very weird and uninformed...:awkney::runs:

    It’s very informed and entirely justified but y’all aren’t ready for that conversation. 😅🙈

  2. 31 minutes ago, ByDayAnother said:

    TS’s release rate is… bizarre.

    Like it’s logistically impressive, I’d love to be in a position to create at this rate and scope. But… editing, no? Her work isn’t my thing, the odd tune. I can see albums being replaced with a steady release of songs/EP year-round, which I wouldn’t necessarily be against, in some ways it would be more manageable, if not flowful, for artists. Not that I don’t have a fondness for the album format.


    I can see her creating a subscription based media service dedicated to her output - she produces at the rate and production quality to justify as much. Maybe that’s the future, and hey, if it puts more money in Artist’s pockets… not that she needs it.

    I mean it’s not surprising when the quality of her music is fast-food level bad.

  3. 4 hours ago, Thats why they call me Dita said:

    I’m in for the long haul, I want to hear the poetry and I want to hear the diaristic lyricism! And I don’t know how we’re claiming that OB is not cinematic, I think it very much has cinematic songs

    Well, you’re clearly in the minority it seems.

    I know so many people who used to be fans of her for her cinematic music and the melodies.


    They are all gone now because she genuinely stopped being particularly unique.

  4. 11 hours ago, Xenoblade 2 said:

    People saying SYTH is old Lana bfr. 2012 Lana would never let that single cover out of the door.


    The new version is still very much new Lana. She removed all bombastic elements out of the song. The only thing old is her voice/vocal delivery which truly shines in the song. Her voice is full and rich. It is crystal clear and very precise enunciation. You don’t need to look up lyrics because you understand what she’s singing just by first listen unlike the songs on OB. The lyrics are relatable to anyone. Christians are listening this song and praying. Church goers. It can be a religious song about god or about a boy or a girl or yourself. Graduations, Weddings, Funerals!!!! (For real this time unlike The Grunts).


    The melody is absolutely gorgeous too. It’s just a very strong melodic song.



    For the 10.000th time: She didn’t remove ANYTHING that wasn’t there in the OG version (the one that actually never leaked). 

    We never got to hear the original Rick Nowels demo until now. Everything else were remixes done by other producers but she (as confirmed by other sources) always went back to Rick's version of the songs. This version is the one that almost appeared on UV.

  5. 2 hours ago, taco truck said:

    My issue with the old/new Lana debate has always been that it makes complete sense for people to want Lana to make her old style again, because she pretty much did a complete 180 on her style, but people just act like it’s just wanting a btd or uv 2.0 and that irritate’s me because she could totally try new things, but she stripped away what made people love her in the first place. And I think that’s why Say Yes to Heaven is getting such a good response, it’s atmospheric and glamorous, which were such core aspects of Lana’s music that she’s stripped away. Now I don’t think chemtrails or ob are bad (bb is a different story…) but I do much prefer her pre-chemtrails music and I’m not surprised people are loving say yes to heaven more than ocean blvd…

    This spill

  6. 3 hours ago, ultrabanisters said:

    if her team want this to stay afloat and viral they must consult the taylor swift school of desperation and release 16 remixes including (but not limited to):

    - say yes to heaven (tiktok edition)

    - say yes to heaven (europop remix)

    - say yes to heaven (PG mix)

    - SYTH (the noir edition)

    - say yes to heaven (boom like that club mix)

    - say yes to heaven (ft. taylor swift)

    - Say Yes to Heaven (Patrick Warren's "Eclipse the Scammer" Version) (From the Vault)

    - Say Yes to Heaven (The Honeymoon Remix) (James Ford's Version) (From the Vault)

    - Say Yes to Heaven (The Honeymoon Remix) (James Ford's Version) (From the Vault) - Sped Up Mix


  7. 6 hours ago, shadesofearthquakes said:

    Saur has it been officially confirmed this is more or less the origins RN version feom

    the UV sessions? I’d like to know where to put her

    Yes. It’s Rick Nowels' OG version (Confirmed by Dean Reid). Most likely the one that was deleted from the deluxe version of UV at the very last minute and was mixed/mastered by Rob Orton (according to BOZ).


    6 hours ago, That Venice Bitch said:

    To all the people who said this would flop go eat a rock

    People that wanted to gatekeep her unreleased material rn:


    29 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

    Yes it's not as bad as that song :flop:


    Also this. I will never understand what people see in songs like Noir and Your Girl. The latter is beyond dreadful with the flat vocals and the fart-like synth throughout the song.

  8. 26 minutes ago, lanaismamom said:

    I saw that but he tagged million of other people that she has never worked with and, he probably didnt just mention these new touches that were made as they are not significally different but it already does make it non original version so the case is still open until someone reliable actually come in with information not just these false facts that lead to misinformation :bye:

    I trust someone who has been working with her and was involved in the actual production of the song MORE than any alleged "insider" that takes their (often contradictory and easily manipulatable) information from MP3 tags.


    Sorry but as it currently stands and with all the info available to us (including our own ears), nothing points toward this being newly recorded or having any additional production or vocals.


    If that’s not enough proof for you, then I truly can’t help you but I will not be gaslit by people not involved in the production of the track to believe something else unless they can genuinely prove it!

  9. 1 hour ago, lanaismamom said:

    i dont get it why u say it like a fact, we know its the base version from 2015-2016 but we dont know if it has little addition production touches made in 2022-2023 or no, and if yes, that doesnt make it already the original rick nowels vetsion, no one knows it as a fact because no insider said a thing yet:uh:

    Ask Dean Read, not me. He literally confirmed it’s the original version. If they did additional production on it, he wouldn’t have referred to it as "original version". Case closed.

  10. 8 hours ago, paradisetropico said:

    I really adore this song. and the others that she seemed to record during this time... a goldmine  


    her "world building" was what set her apart and carved her into an icon & I have to say, I do hope she dips back into "world building" 


    I agree. It's quite obvious that that is what most people want to hear from her. I think now is the perfect time for her to go back to a more pop and less indie sound.


    6 hours ago, Xenoblade 2 said:

    The other versions meaning Stint, Honeymoon, Demo 1 2 3 5 or whatever.

    There's only:

    Rick Nowels version - The one that was released
    James Ford version - The one that went viral on TikTok

    STINT version - The one possibly done for Honeymoon


    and then we have a few rough mixes from 2016 done by an engineer (Patrick Warren) that got scammed into believing that Lana wanted a mix done by him.


    3 hours ago, venicebitch said:

    It’s the superior original version but reworked a bit. I think there’s some new backing vocals and a few new perks in the production, but generally it’s focused on being as close to original as possible.

    It literally wasn’t reworked. It’s just the final mix/mastering that we never got to hear. The other demos we got were built with an earlier version of Rick's final mix. This is the finalized version but they most definitely didn’t add anything new in the last few years.

  11. 42 minutes ago, Good Intentions said:

    look at this 👀


    the youtube audio has already over 500k views, that's more than some songs of tunnel have since album release (like grandfather or the interludes)

    Yeah Lana might have an actual hit on her hands…holy crap. Can you imagine what her future releases could have been like had she released QOD and MMITPM? 😱

  12. 1 minute ago, American Whore said:

    it's weird, there's an entry on ASCAP for Yes To Heaven that I believe has been there forever and there's also Say Yes To Heaven which I believe is new, probably for this release. has Serial Killer always been on ASCAP? I know some unreleased songs have been forever but i forgot which ones

    I think Serial Killer and Paradise were added a bit later cause we didn’t know about Peter Ibsen until a few years ago. I think they were registered when she started performing them live.

  13. Just now, Orville Peck said:

    Dean Reid said that this is the original version, if any changes were made, they should have been minimal.




    I really don't think Lana has reworked this song, what if it's just one of the many versions she recorded with Rick?

    There we go. I know this song by heart. The vocals are exactly the same down to the voice cracks, pauses and intonations.

    This most definitely isn't a rework but imo it further proves that the Rick Nowels only tracks tend to improve with the help/additional production of others.

  14. 1 hour ago, Venice Jesus Whore said:

    not to be negative or ungrateful, and this is the last time i'll complain about it, but this is exactly the reason i don't want her to release unreleased songs. instead of just releasing them as they were leaked but in higher quality, she changes them, and now it's not as good. now i'll still be streaming the demo, my hope of ever getting a HQ version of that demo are dashed away, and now there's the added messiness that there's now yet another version of the song, and now the general public will know this official version as the actual song.

    i know it's kind of stupid to complain about this because why should I be mad that Lana is getting paid for her song or that another exists when I can just listen to the original, but I'm just disappointed I'm never getting the original demo in HQ and that I still have to use a bootleg demo offline file.


    This is the original Rick Nowels version that was considered for a release all along. GOOD LORD.

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