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Crazy Husband Thief

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Posts posted by Crazy Husband Thief

  1. 7 hours ago, naked said:

    Still hilarious to read through this thread and see the same haters be adamant she'll never release anything yet sit boasting about and refusing to share hacked files! Just bizarre.

    It’s so sick and twisted. 

  2. 2 hours ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:


    Enya lives in a fucking CASTLE, she is SEATED 💺

    Do we know where Sky lives? I have s feeling it’s some crappy studio appartment.

  3. 8 hours ago, Mer said:

    It's "like the winter we're not in". Just say it fast with a slightly slurred accent. The "t" in "winter" is like the second "t" in "Toronto" lol 

    It's true though that "let the winter winner in" would make more sense with the previous line though.


    I want it to be "like the winter we're not in" and I think it does make sense unlike "winner winner" or "winter winter" :flop: but the live version definitely sounds more like "let the winter winner in".

  4. 4 hours ago, Rust Dress said:


    wait that makes so much more sense..


    4 hours ago, That Venice Bitch said:

    Any and all lyric arguments should be solved by the leaking of the stems :true:

    The live version has an audible T in the first word. „Winner winner“ makes no sense. It’s likely "winter winner“ because she says that he's a champ at skiing.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Traveler said:

    But this isn’t necessarily true… I can think of a couple instances where she did exactly that. I’m sure there is other examples, if I wanted to dive into it.

    Sweet sixteen and we had arrived 

    Walk-in down the street as they whistle Hi Hi


    All I want to do is get high by the beach 

    Get high Baby Bay Bye Bye


    You would never speak these lines like this, she is doing it to keep a rhythm or rhyme or whatever.

    But in that case, it makes sense.

    Here it really doesn't. Aside from that, the live version from 2016 kinda proves it's "winter winner". So, the truth lies between all of the suggested lines.

  6. On 8/30/2023 at 1:58 PM, shadesofloveduthenandnow said:

    Her actual worst released song :krylie:

    On 8/30/2023 at 2:12 PM, PARADIXO said:


    Oh my god thank you


    I have always disliked this song. I hate the production, the guitar isn't as good to me as it is for everyone else, the lyrics are a mess, so are the vocals and I HATE the fact that it's on Ultraviolence and people usually have it as the "closing track", instead of the phenomenal The Other Woman.


    UV deluxe could've easily been Black Beauty, Is This Happiness and Flipside.



  7. 1 hour ago, 111 said:

    love the winter we're not in :flop: ijbol

    whatever you say girl, if you hear the word "let" and think it sounds like "love" then i don't think i'm the one who needs english lessons






    slowing down the vocal stems and listening to all the live performances, go skiing is the one. every time she says it in an elongated (two syllable) way that someone wouldn't say skin as which is just one syllable. she wouldn't accentuate or elongate that word like that if it was "skin". i was also unable to hear "-ld" as it would be on 'gold' on the vocal stems, definitely no "L" or "D" there no matter how many times i loop that part. she's also directly talking to this pretty daddy (YOU snort it like a champ on the next line) so it makes sense for her to be saying YOU go skiing, not pretty daddy goES skiing. she is telling him to go ski those white lines, snort them up, let the winner in. https://youtu.be/Y4OuV0j6DHQ?t=95





    Maybe it’s "let the winter winner in"?

    I refuse to believe it’s "winter, winter" or "winner, winner" cause Lana herself dragged the shit out of Katy Perry for rhyming "peacock" with "biatch".


    Someone who is THAT much of a bitch in terms of lyricism wouldn't use "let the winter winter in".


    The t consonant is silent. That’s because she's American. Still, both versions make sense. I agree, however, that "winner" makes sense due to the "you snort it like a champ" line. The first word is clearly winter though. Therefore, I capitulate and say that it’s "let the winter winner in". That’s the line that makes most sense and doesn’t sound as stupid as the versions with the repeated words.


    Edit: I just reviewed that video and it’s DEFINITELY without a doubt "let the winter winner" in. You can clearly hear the T in "winter" and the lack of ANY T in the following word. She's referring to him as some sort of winter olympics champion. Therefore, it’s "winter winner".

  8. On 8/30/2023 at 3:11 PM, 111 said:


    it's one of these, it's hard to know for sure if she says the T silently on purpose in winter or if she is just saying winner but both of these make sense with the song unlike the nonsensical lyric that's being pushed which makes no sense in context (like the winter we're not in). but this time i really don't have the patience to teach context and structure of lyrics to annoying and rude af people on the internet who write paragraphs trying to discredit and attack others because of their own personal projections, lack of knowledge (Apple Music is not official for Lana, some artists submit their lyrics to Apple Music but not her so they pull whatever lyrics they can find from Genius/online) and whatever mental health issues they got going on underneath all that craziness that i want nothing to do with.


    oh and also having the stems is a big help! but what do i know? no amount of evidence or common sense can help people who can't accept that they are wrong and need a check-up with their ears... 




    It sounds like 

    "Love the winter we're not in"

    and yes, if you knew the English language well enough it DOES make sense.


    She says she loves the winter, although there is no winter in Florida cause it's always hot. Since they're snorting cocaine it's winter for them. "Let the winter, winter in" is just not something Lana would do from a songwriting perspective. Not only does it sound dumb, she just doesn't just repeat the same word like that to fill a few beats.


    18 hours ago, Surf Noir said:

    white lines, pretty daddy, goes skiing 

    you snort it like a champ, let the winner, winner in


    white lines, pretty daddy, goes skiing 

    you snort it like a champ, love the winter we're not in


    See above for context explanation.

  9. On 9/24/2016 at 5:39 PM, Pluto said:

    according to apple music it is:

    Zoomin' my miles in gold hoops

    You like your little baby like you like your drinks, cool

    White lines, pretty daddy, go ski it

    You snort it like a champ, like the winter we're not in


    It also says "Drink a cherry cola lime"  :creep:

    @lanaismamom Apple Music disagrees with “winter, winter in”


    On 3/8/2022 at 6:35 PM, hotshot2am said:

    Since someone brought this up again on TikTok, I went through all the available live recordings of it and unfortunately it seems like the correct lyrics are


    White lines, pretty daddy, gold skin
    You snort it like a champ, let the winner winner in




  10. Just now, lanaismamom said:

    i think he got these lyrics from official sources of actual lyrics, he claimed it several times in this thread, so even if i don’t hear that too i’d lean into that side tbh

    The official source being his ass. His previous “official sources” handed him fake mixes of Yes to Heaven and Fine China and he passed them around as “real” and “legit” until recently.


    Eclipse doesn't know anything a lot of times. He just uses his "insider status" to be able to push whatever he likes to believe.


    I've listened to this song a hundred thousand times and there’s absolutely no way that she says "let the winter, winter in”. There’s no audible t in the second word.

  11. On 8/3/2022 at 9:55 AM, lili said:

    I can’t be the person to answer your question once and for all since I’m not even a native speaker, but I, too, got caught up in it last night and after watching some live performances, I’m convinced she sings:


    “White lines, pretty daddy, gold skin,

    You snort it like a champ, let the winter winter in”


    I hear it like this consistently in different live performances,  so I don’t think it’s a lyric change for the day


    edit: maybe this would help, too

     Another edit: I’m 100% sure now that’s what she says. It’s very clear here.



    Isn’t it “love the winter we're not in”?

    It makes sense, cause snow is a synonym for cocaine and winter kinda doesn’t exist in Florida, or at least Miami. So, the winter she talks about is the cocaine snorting.

  12. 11 hours ago, YourGirl666 said:

    Sorry, but I just can't see Heroin fitting in any Tarantino movie at all. Like, it's very not his style. The lyrics mention the Mansons and have a 70s cultish vibe here and there, but besides that is too slow, dreamy, ambientish and ethereal to fit. I really love that song, but I just can't see it. 

    Which might be why he rejected her offer. Then again, we don't know what an early version of it sounded like. The OG Lust for Life demo sounds nothing like the final version.


    Then again this is just a delulu theory but I definitely remember reading somewhere that Lana was VERY eager to be involved in that project. I also wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that 24 was written as an offer for a Bond theme.

  13. 36 minutes ago, Embach said:

    Maybe a demo version of Heroin where she maybe mentions more about the Mansons because I don't think she would submit a very personal song about her ex dying for that movie. 


    But again, who knows, she's random :usrs: 

    Yeah possibly. But the lyrics are just too uncanny.

  14. On 8/19/2023 at 9:08 PM, Embach said:

    What if she wanted to re-release Hollywood as Once Upon A Time In Hollywood soundtrack but Tarantino said no :illumarina:

    I still think she wrote Heroin as a potential submission for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. That movie had been in development for many years. 


    On July 11, 2017, it was announced that Quentin Tarantino's next film would be about the Manson murders.

    I think she knew about that before the announcement and was in contact with Tarantino for the possibility of writing a theme song. Tarantino is very picky about the music though, so he probably said no to her after hearing an early version of the track.

  15. Weird how Gaga didn’t get any writing or production credit for Nothing On But The Radio.


    I listened to her EP and I must say, she’s a pretty girl but overall the music doesn’t seem to standout. It’s very run-of-the-mill pop music, sadly. The version of NOBTR sounds a bit like a cheap karaoke version and a little dated.

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