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Crazy Husband Thief

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Everything posted by Crazy Husband Thief

  1. Lana talks about how she took a foot bath in the chocolate fountain at a party. Oh, writin' in blood on my walls and shit
  2. Both of you fucked this up even more. The game works like this: Post 1: Wrong interpretation of the line above Next line from a Lana song to interpret Post 2: Wrong interpretation of the line above Next line from a Lana song to interpret I will now choose a line from a Lana song for anyone to interpret. The next person will interpret it and then choose the next line. "Oh, writin' in blood on my walls and shit"
  3. This is not how the game works 😅
  4. She's singing from the perspective of her feces that wouldn’t get out when she was constipated. "My cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme and all of my peaches"
  5. I was excited for this and I enjoy quite a large bunch of Ari's music but this is just straight up garbage. How many more 90s house tracks will we have to endure before the pop girls abandon this tired trend??? It sounds dated, the chorus sucks, the video is as bland as the song and we really didn't need another Vogue/Show Me Love sample song after Swish Swish, Chromatica album and Break My Soul (all of which were DREADFUL).
  6. BOZ isn’t as omniscient as you think he is. Remember, a few years ago we believed everything that @111 said and some of the things we thought were certain back then turned out to be false. Not saying that they are lying but sometimes there are things they simply don’t know about until some new info or file pops up.
  7. But…the song has almost no production.
  8. Sky is better than this girl, sorry @111
  9. Leak Be My Daddy real version!
  10. So…did the actual version of this ever leak or is every version a 2016 Eclipse demand version?
  11. 1949 / Every Man Gets His Wish / Hawaiian Tropic I Can Fly / Old Money / Bel Air Video Games / Blue Jeans / Dark Paradise Driving In Cars With Boys / Prom Song / Dangerous Girl Take Me To Paris / Queen Of Disaster / Marilyn Monroe
  12. That host said what most people are thinking. The TS coverage and media payola is too much. It’s extremely artificial and annoying. I‘m trying to get her out of my algorithm in every possible way and it still isn’t working. I‘m sick of seeing this lizzard faced Regina George incarnation.
  13. Let's all agree that this song was ruined for the final mix. All three demos SLAP.
  14. Can someone just end this madness and confirm the few remaining titles? 💀💀💀 @Lindsay Lohan @fl0r1dakil0s @111 @BlackoutZone
  15. The long part that makes it look like a d could be her lower case f from Nectar of the Gods.
  16. Yeah it could be Nectar of the Gods but very awkwardly and narrowly written to fit in the space. TROPICO Old Money Black Beauty Guns n Roses Lake Placid Summertime Melancholia Jesus Pink Champagne Elvis Earthquakes Money + Power / Nectar Of The Gods Easy Rider Leader
  17. It’s quite surprising that Angels Forever/Easy Rider never popped up on any of these considering it was a UV outtake allegedly and came from the same sessions as Black Beauty. Therefore I strongly believe it’s another version of AFFA.
  18. I mean it's very possible that she had a rough laptop demo or just a written version of the song that she considered for Tropico/Trans-Am. We don't know after all what that song list actually means. I also see "Money Power Glory" as the top song in that other picture. Money Power Glory Old Money Black Beauty Lake Placid Melancholia Earthquakes Summertime Dragonslayer Trans Am Live or Die
  19. There's no way that the title between "Earthquakes" and "Axl Rose" isn't "Yes To Heaven". It looks a bit weird because the q from "Earthquakes" penetrates it.
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