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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. I think the trappy/sexy direction of Ocean Blvd is a good indicator, she seems to be traveling and getting really into fashion and makeup again, etc hoping that the next album is continues the trend of being a little more beat-driven and fun
  2. i’m hoping she’s going to add dates bc who goes on a US tour that doesn’t include new york, california, chicago…..
  3. I would do literally anything for this lmfao
  4. i am choosing to believe that lana purposely was referencing 50 cent’s song P.I.M.P. on A&W. it’s simply perfect
  5. She looks so tall with that group of girls is lana tall???
  6. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuZ-GMpNnYu/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== salma Hayek lmfaoooo
  7. i’m assuming she’s talking about getting cheated on?
  8. peppers, a dick sucking anthem a & w, a side chick anthem candy necklace, a toxic relationship anthem
  9. No this was definitely embarrassing and very poorly expressed lmfao I’m sorry
  10. Right lol it kind of takes me out of it when she addresses specific people in her life by name cause like….Chuck isn’t my sister so idc
  11. I just came to see if anyone else noticed this lolol
  12. Is this show literally at a walmart I’m confused
  13. Idk what that is but you usually have good taste so I’m rocking with it
  14. whatever she does i hope she brings back the hooker aesthetic but this time like older and thicker like the hooker who bought the brothel now she runs it as her own, the madame
  15. going from Blue Banisters to a song like Peppers has proven to me that i have literally no idea what lana del rey will do next i love that
  16. i wouldn’t be mad if she went blonde again, she could give anna nicole smith vibes (hot busty milf)
  17. The original NFR sounds very interesting more interesting than the one we got
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