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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. I doubt she wants social media users to call her a fat nazi with bad skin and cheap cover art
  2. right if she’s so tired of being famous (sidenote: she’s not even THAT famous) she could easily just fuck off and retire lol. No one is forcing her to embarrass herself on a weekly basis lol
  3. yasss sugar daddy cocaine queen!! white lines and sangria!!!! how do you insinuate she might have a drug problem? Gasp!!
  4. Just seen someone compare the picture to a plate of mashed potatoes...
  5. fair enough but I think it’s kind of funny for this fan base in particular to be clutching their pearls at the mention of possible drug use lol. But I’ll leave it at that! Didn’t mean to offend!
  6. If you seriously think she’s isn’t going through some sort of weird phase/rough patch you just gotta open those eyes boo. im not criticising or making light of anything. She’s not acting like herself lately. And I’m speaking in general, not just because of that weird pic. So that makes me worry that everything isn’t okay with her and maybe she’s having a problem with something/someone
  7. No ones mocking anything. I’m actually a little concerned for her due to her outlandish and uncharacteristic behavior over the last year. She’s not acting like a happy rational person lol, at least from the way I’m looking at it. She’s all over the place is not cute anymore it’s a little bit worrisome like girl are you actually okay? ?
  8. She’s not well. Idk what exactly the problem but she’s not well lol. Drugs, alcohol, mental illness...idk, but she’s going through something.
  9. Wtf kind of name even is blue banisters? Did she just look at the first thing she saw in her house? Remember when she put effort and skill into her craft? Her songs were clever and moving? Ahh good times
  10. That picture is so ugly and unflattering lmfao her chest is green...
  11. I guess but I meant like a show show the last time she did an actual concert was that godawful Norman tour I think?
  12. Random thought- is this the longest Lana has gone without performing in her career? It’s been a solid year and a half or so.
  13. Hopefully this massive floppation will teach her the girls don’t want more acoustic country foolishness
  14. Chemtrails was seven months late, NFR was like a year late, Rock Candy Sweet is gonna be at least a year late
  15. . Why do posts sometimes post twice a couple minutes later?
  16. well whatever chess move she was planning backfired bc now everyone thinks she’s a nazi and the album still flopped i think she just needs to lay low and do her thing (which tbh she is already doing) she will never get back the goodwill she lost last year but hopefully she can just go back to her little niche and stay there
  17. no bc the album is exactly what she wants it to be, so in that way, it is a success. She’s an artist before she’s a “brand” or a hit maker. i just can’t get behind the idea that her dumbass behavior was actually clever album promo. Bc if it was, it clearly did not work bc no one bought it
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