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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. Exactly. It’s not silence. It’s authentic music.
  2. In fact, this album will feature no words to make it more authentic and accurate to the universal human experience of fragile and delicate women. It’s completely post-verbal. It’s actual real music unlike anything anyone else is making. Listen to it alone on a walk through a sunflower field at dusk whilst contemplating your own fragility ?
  3. Over a single piano note that’s been “stripped down to its most authentic” ???
  4. She needs to slow down bc it’s obvious she isn’t putting her all into any of it. She’s spread too thin.
  5. Lana’s Twitter selfies pull really good numbers I just noticed.
  6. appreciate y’all’s enthusiasm but y’all’s be needing to chill bro ???
  7. the blackest day part 2 CANCELLED
  8. like...the girls want that nicki collab. and by the girls i mean me and my other personalities. but seriously, i like how everyone wanted her to do a collab project with abel or rocky and she's like "nikki lane!!"
  9. she always collabs with nobodies when it's like...there are equally large acts out there would i'm sure would love to collab with her...
  10. i'm pretty sure she did that bc she was afraid to say it to his face lol cruel world, shades of cool, black beauty, is this happiness, flipside, etc....not a very flattering portrayal of their relationship. drugs and depression and stress and infidelity really fucked them both over lol. very toxic and unhealthy. and she's so happpyyyyyy now that he's gooooooneeeeeee
  11. people see two cute pics of them together and suddenly how fucked up and terrified lana was the entire time lmfao, just no brain cells
  12. in her defense lana fans were probably being fucking annoying weirdos if she did in fact go off on one of them
  13. i want her to sing a song with post malone, his deep voice would be an interesting contrast to her cute, airy one
  14. i bet he streams california when his girlfriend isn't home
  15. When’s the last time Barrie even acknowledged lana? They’ve never really interacted since she put him out.
  16. i finally figured out who nikki lane looks like. Ruth Wilson! tell me i'm not the only one who sees it
  17. She also has quit smoking cigarettes and lots of people gain weight when they do that. Not like it matters anyway, hop off her big fat juicy pussy
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