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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. they spelled “weather vane” wrong lmfao bye
  2. Lust for Life 2 really coming I’m so happy I could cry
  3. I would die on the spot (Nicki and Cardi can’t be in the same room tho lmfao)
  4. idgaf what she does anymore but I want a rough sex anthem and a stoner anthem
  5. I don’t post for like two days and this thread descends into anarchy. LanaBoards needs me!
  6. She was addicted to meth around that time. You can tell in certain pics, she looks very unhealthy. And she verbatim said she was clean from meth on Facebook in the born to die days. Drugs have been a constant in her life tbh.
  7. I wish LB had a “summarize” button cause I have no idea what you guys are talking about and I do not feel like reading
  8. If she calls Rocky and not Nicki Minaj I swear I will do something to end up on the National news
  9. Yeah sometimes I feel like the growing disconnect me and her is the age difference lol. Like I’m 22 so maybe albums like NFR and Chemtrails are just not meant for me.
  10. They all sounded remarkably different it’s too early to comment on BB but Norman and Chemtrails are very much similar
  11. Something about that video clip reminds me of West Coast for some reason. I think it’s these shots. Not saying these songs have ANYTHING to do with each other, but the composition of these shots caught my attention
  12. She was saving the heat for this album, she can let jack enjoys his little banjo carols and then come back gag us with the real shit
  13. So I got a chance to listen to the Blue Banisters snippet like in full with my AirPods in and all that i kinda like it. Already sounds fuller than anything we’ve heard lately. Idk if that makes sense, it’s obviously a lowkey song but there’s still a solid foundation of sound and production throughout. I feel like her recent stuff could be described as very sparse and acoustic but not in a good way (or at least, in a way that I like). but Blue Banisters I can kinda fuck with, I’m not gonna lie
  14. Blue Banisters kind of feels like the older sister to Video Games. Both seem to focus on the sweetness of the more mundane moments with someone you love, doing trivial shit like playing video games and painting the house. It’s cute.
  15. the gays are gonna have a field day with that one
  16. Sounds like half of Norman and all of Chemtrails smh
  17. Nicki had her titties out the Queen cover, Lana needs to recreate THAT
  18. I just wish people were talking about her in a good way ? it hurts me seeing my girl get made fun of!! ??? anyways if she debuts an actual real piece of cover art and has good music again, we can still salvage this summer lmfaooo
  19. woke up to see some LB users dickeating lmfaooo Anyways Mike dean is a good sign. Hopefully he could pull her out of her creative slump (but then I see that pic she posted and think she’s still deep in there lol)
  20. I doubt she wants social media users to call her a fat nazi with bad skin and cheap cover art
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