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Everything posted by rightofjupiter

  1. re: her hair it looks like beach hair to me (this is the way my hair looks after a day at the beach too).
  2. i agree that just pumping money into things isn't the answer, but these bail funds are grassroots efforts that are literally helping remove people from jail (a violent and harmful place under normal circumstances and even more dangerous re covid). abolishing the prison system is directly connected to abolishing police, both racist and classist systems that disproportionately affect black folks.
  3. not for nothing but lana has profited off of black art forms (namely trap) and the literal least she could do is at least post a link to donate to bail funds in MN. i am not surprised that she hasn't but it's so sad (and generally emblematic of white fragility) that her response to all the recent drama has been to be incredibly defensive and angry rather than acknowledging that there are valuable things to be learned from her incredibly ill-stated comments.
  4. after a few listens i love alice, 911, sour candy, stupid love, plastic doll, babylon and rain on me– though i do think the production is weirdly uninspired and very same-same throughout the album (which some folks are saying makes it really cohesive but i'm finding makes the album feel like it lacks texture). the rest will maybe grow on me– 1000 doves and fun tonight are my two least favs rn. it's a fine album, and i'm certainly going to continue to listen (and dance) to it, but it doesn't come close to BTW or Artpop, both of which i adore and feel like no one else could have made.
  5. i don't think she'll say anything– she seems really angry and defensive (ie the last video) which makes me think she's not likely to share anything political or vulnerable (though you're right, she should anyway). also, tbh, she has never posted anything about BLM (i don't think) and i hardly see her starting now. i always knew her politics were extremely uninformed and ignorant, but the whole recent debacle really highlighted just how flimsy and narrow they really are.
  6. no i think you're totally right, she is obviously deeply triggered at the moment, something intense is happening for her that we obvs (and rightfully) aren't privy to.
  7. yeah something is def happening with her that we don't know about (not excusing any content she's posted but seems relevant).
  8. this, what is this about?? the whole thing is wrong imo but the whole doubling-down on the "delicate" thing is just wild.
  9. she is deeply uneducated about the issues she tries to discuss (hence only have a VERY myopic POV bc her context is mostly herself) and tbh should apologize and take the time/energy to educate herself (she would never). what is that quote about how famous people stop developing at the age at which they became famous?
  10. THIS she really lives in a ridiculous bubble where this kind of shit somehow flies. she is truly clueless.
  11. obvs excited for new music but also really excited that she'll be publishing two official books! tbh ever since she announced violet i wondered why she wasn't releasing through a big publishing house.
  12. totally agree re the lyrics, "very blunt yet very cryptic" describes what she goes here so well. they're some of my favorite lyrics she's ever written, and i find it so interesting that she wrote it slowly over a period of years (would love to see all the drafts).
  13. rightofjupiter

    Charli XCX

    YES charli and arca would be so so good– i feel like charli has mentioned wanting to work w her?
  14. I used to really hate Love Song but now like the verses a lot. Still think the chorus is boring af and cheesy though. Current album rankings from fav to least fav (Hope would be higher if I didn't have to be in a particular mood to listen to): 1. Happiness... 2. The greatest 3. NFR 4. FiiLY 5. Bartender 6. Hope... 7. Cinnamon Girl 8. California 9. MAC 10. Doin' Time 11. Love Song 12. Venice Bitch 13. How to Disappear 14. TNBAR
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