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Everything posted by nighttimemtime

  1. take me to dubai out on streaming services???? unsure if this is official but Apple Music
  2. nighttimemtime

    Taylor Swift

    is there a CDQ link for the song anywhere? the most i can find is 128kbps šŸ«¤
  3. ???https://twitter.com/ethelcaindaily/status/1629373357266173953?s=20
  4. live version of florenceā€™s song ā€œmorning elvisā€ she performed with ethel in denver will be out tonight! v excited to hear this https://twitter.com/fatmfanclub/status/1600837370798288896?s=46&t=w0IyJQeMQShBUVuSfIPAAA
  5. tommy genesis collab was very unexpected but we will be streaming cover is so pretty also, definitely an upgrade from chemtrails and bb
  6. it appears theyre just finding out about this today bc of this hyunjin message on fab &$Ā£@*& we need to free these girls https://twitter.com/litell_johnn/status/1600342112775467008?s=61&t=db05WXfOovXQWXC8Oqj38Q
  7. amor hardcore out now btw- what's everyone's faves? mine are gateo, exibisionista and hit
  8. whoever's been styling sky recently has been making her look absolutely decadent it's really the best time to be a sky stan like
  9. nighttimemtime


    is FYB (title track) available anywhere in HQ? cant seem to find it
  10. come to think ab it idk if these snippets are real/genuine like yes we did get that one snippet of a new song but the one of descending was that one that got posted this year but way back before dont forget even came out. also these itunes screenshots is what really gets me because the cover art is some lq photo that leaked around donā€™t forget release week and these collabs are šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ like ur telling me phoebe bridgers is hopping on a sky ferreira song? bye.
  11. this comparison is making me cry
  12. happy dont forget release week to those that celebrate
  13. AOTY incoming who else cheered!
  14. this and thereā€™s also a new ā€œSky Ferreira Essentialsā€ playlist on apple musicā€¦ things are fucking coming!
  15. nighttimemtime

    Tove Lo

    didnt watch the mv and im only just realising there is a bridge that's not in the song that's in the lyrics section of nodfl on am?šŸ˜­ maybe an old version of the song was published to streaming
  16. nighttimemtime

    Tove Lo

    she hopped on the disco trend a good two years too late but still released soty thats history
  17. sky best dressed for last night yeah that's matriarch
  18. another week rendered masochismless y'all
  19. it's the way that if masochism does eventually come it's 100% gonna be aoty like that album isnt gonna be butt ass awful after she's spent 9 years on it right: :āŽœ
  20. sunday in heaven is definitely going to be my aoty for this year i think... the presingles have all been so good so far
  21. ok well so far its better than love & fear...
  22. nighttimemtime


    i disagree deluxe edition is actually coming there are tears http://twitter.com/poppy/status/1286315255333756929?s=20
  23. the way that say something is so good... yup
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