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  • Birthday June 15

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  1. Mer

    The Weeknd

    I’m so sorry but “São Paulo” sounds like a Madame X outtake 💀
  2. This man does not need his own thread on LB 😭
  3. Mind you this case is about sexual harassment and not who has the "best vibes" or gives the best interviews
  4. Well then by the same logic there are undertones of what @Rorman Nockwell said in some of these opinions too Again, if I’m proven wrong I’m proven wrong—but I see no real reason for Blake Lively to lie and make up these claims and draw all this negative attention to herself. In this particular case, I don’t think believing Lively is simplistic. In fact, I’d argue she has much more to lose than Baldoni, and at this point I give her the benefit of the doubt.
  5. What Creykhead said was crazy. No one ever, anywhere in this thread, said “women good, men bad” except for him.
  6. This is the creepiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard lmao. How does a 6 minute long voice memo in a sultry voice, with numerous apologies, prove that Blake wasn’t sexually harassed by this man?
  7. There is nothing in Baldoni’s case that concretely refutes sexual harassment in the way that Blake described. It’s just designed to make Blake look like a cringey and imperfect victim. Like @jealous girl (tags don’t work) said, I don’t mind being proven wrong in the end, but as of right now, I see no reason to not trust Blake’s accounting of the events.
  8. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    what? 😭😭💀
  9. State rights are a double edged sword. They put pressure on the nation and build momentum for social causes. A classic example would be Gay Marriage, the continuous legalization at the state level built enough momentum to have it accepted as a federal law—and I’m not certain that momentum would’ve been built a federal level. Additionally, state rights are important bc the US is so large. Nevada has very different needs from Vermont, and trying to have one governing body fit both would not work. What I think we can all agree, however, that healthcare doesn’t need to be a states’ issue bc women all over the US have the exact same needs when it comes to their health. I also think the GOP misjudged their abortion stance. Abortion doesn’t need to be a wedge issue, if it were put to a national vote, most polling suggests that 2/3rds of the US would vote to legalize abortion in most cases. (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/). I think it’s silly to wave a hand to all states right and say “bad”, but I think we can agree that some things are needlessly given to the states when they affect everyone just the same.
  10. Can you please correct the thread title to “Baldoni” and maybe add a quick link to a source/summary of the case to the OP so users can quickly get caught up ? https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/blake-lively-justin-baldoni-lawsuit-court-documents-text-messages-b2686766.html (^ I’ve not read through this in detail, so if you find a better source don’t feel like you have to use this)
  11. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    I noticed that, I guess it’s only 3 sides (similar to Florence’s Dance Fever) with 5 tracks on each side.
  12. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    March 7? Didn’t she previously confirm February? Branding/creatives look FANTASTIC (although I think the standard cover looks better than the exclusive). Surprised that Disease is the opener. Her lips though
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