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About Mer

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday June 15

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  1. Um this is really embarrassing to admit but
  2. Also I feel like it needs to be said that the entire LB staff deserve a lot of recognition this year—from accounts “suiciding” themselves, to dupes, to the whole Str*nge L*ve debacle, to the election thread, to the wedding— @Elle, @ultrabanisters, @NikoGo and @That Venice Bitch really had their work cut out for them 💀
  3. only on chrome on iOS (but I can like posts on my Mac)
  4. @Embach @boom like that @jimmyjimmycocoapuff 💕❤️💕❤️ thank youuuuuuu
  5. ma’am this is a thirst thread about Luigi. Write to your local congressman or something
  6. *like* *like* *like* (I can’t like anything on my phone since iOS 18.2 💀😭) @shadesofblue (I can’t tag anyone either) for Best Taste, Be My Daddy, and Nicest Member
  7. Submitted. Also @Lindsay Lohan funniest member
  8. Oh also @venice biotch for Best New Member (I honestly forget they were new, I feel like they've always been here!)
  9. Omg thank youuuuuu bb but you have deserved this award every year. Always serving
  10. Nominating @Dark Angel for Veteran Member and Most Active @shadesofblue for Be My Daddy @Elle for Lipster of The Year @NikoGo for Peace Keeper @Embach for Status Updater
  11. TBH a pre-order would be more major bc at least that means something is actually coming 💀
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