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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Remember a few years ago when we would look through her website code to find info and people said "we should work for the FBI"? Well, now we couldn't even successfully run a Del Taco with the brainpower between everyone active on this thread
  2. Boz trying to make us care about either I Can Fly or a Eurovision anthem performance
  3. Where's the European twink ready to to ruin an insider's day when you need one
  4. FR. The people saying "why would Boz hype up x,y,z"....like...he's an iNsIDeR? All he wants is attention? He'd hype up Lana's fart if he got wind of it before anyone else
  5. They're opening up the tunnel for a public album release party. That's why they delayed it to the 24th, so construction could be completed
  6. The record store owner doodling “dumb twink” into his notebook as he takes the 6th call of the day asking about a new Lana Del Rey album’s release date.
  7. I got mad at my dad because he said "is the word 'fucking' really necessary in the title" and OF COURSE it is. It represents irreverence bordering on sarcasm. You're not so "Norman Rockwell" you're soooooo "Norman fucking Rockwell" with your American propaganda and your desire to live in a pastoral little idyllic postcard.
  8. You’ve been serving lately ngl And you’re right. There’s likely no rational reason why he can’t say something until 2025.
  9. Putting Mariners against TNC was actual torture for me. It could've easily been TNC vs Heroin in the end.
  10. I'll be sure to thank you when the album manifests itself onto spotify in 2 weeks
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