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Posts posted by Mer

  1. On 11/14/2020 at 12:17 AM, Roses of Saigon said:

    Mentions of lockdowns are being reported in some states. I wonder if it's going to be like Europe where you can only get out of your house for necessities.


    i’m up north rn but if i was in home in the US, i’d totally be okay with 4-6 weeks of lockdown so we could get the virus under control and put together a comprehensive vaccine rollout for the late spring. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Venice said:


    This is how millions people felt like back in 2016. Generally speaking, I’m feeling much better about the US this time around. I think we’re on the right track with a leader who is very interested in unity. Of course, these are heavily polarizing times, but what made everything 100x worse is all about to officially get kicked the fck out :) 


    i think the division is largely illusory, due to both social and mainstream media. i don’t think anyone is actually shunning certain voters in places of business, or even socially tbh—except in cases of true radicalism. the twitter wars back and forth aren’t a good sample of the real, rational ppl that overwhelmingly make up our population (bc real rational ppl have better things to do then fight about conspiracy theories on twitter).  


    and i honestly think most of the 72 million trump voters only voted that way because of misinformation about “the economy”. 


    i do think we’re on the right track, and i’m hoping we continue this by having an administration that makes college more universal. the lack of education (not just college-level education, but the social education one gets in college) is what’s lead us to where we are right now. 

  3. 48 minutes ago, Party Favor said:

    My only one :krylie:
    My kingdom come undone
    My broken drum :krylie:
    You have beaten my heart
    Don't want no other shade of blue :krylie:
    But you
    No other sadness in the world would do :krylie:


    i haven't listened to anything pre 1989 (save for the popular songs obviously) what would ya'll suggest song wise? i don't really like her country-esque albums, but i know Red apparently has a lot of good songs on it 


    ALL TO WELL (but maybe don’t if ur going thru a breakup rn)

  4. I, a 4th year psychology major specializing in sexology, am not about to debate someone on the importance of gender identity/dysmorphia awareness on a thread dedicated to the 2020 US Election and Presidential Transition. So here's a picture of the man Donald Trump thinks is gonna get him the presidency back: 


    also if you are interested in attending January's Inauguration in the Capitol, you can write to your Senator or House Member and you will receive free tickets if they have any left. 

  5. anwayssssss...changing off of this topic bc clearly ignorance is preferred to facing harsh truths for some people....


    If Donald Trump had won a 2nd term, it would be the first time in US History that 4 2-term Presidents served consecutively. In fact, there has only been two times in history where 3 2-termers served consecutively: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe; Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama. So presidents 3, 4, and 5 were consecutive two-termers; and 42, 43, and 44 were consecutive two-termers. We may not have another run like that in a very long time (which is weird for me personally, because I have only ever lived under 2 term presidents so far). 

  6. 2 minutes ago, moonchild13 said:

    Couldn't resist the temptation to rank Katy's albums, disregarding my disliking for rankings lol. Kinda unpopular, but to me Teenage Dream is the album of hers I like the least, not to say I don't like it.

    Prism > Witness > One of the Boys > Smile > Teenage Dream; where I still like Smile, though. I'm kinda tasteless, if you ask me.


    tbh i don't think she'll ever be able to top One of the Boys. It's just the perfect soft-rock/pop-rock album that mixes alt sounds and pop sounds perfectly. i wish she'd revisit that sound again. Thinking of You, I'm Still Breathing are some of the best tracks in her discography 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Fat Mike said:

    But if one side thinks the other side is Satan, and one side thinks the other side is Nazis, then how do we resolve that?



    fam i know ur not contrasting a real genuine problem in our world (nazism) with the bibles equivalent of the boogeyman...


    personally, i’m not anti-republican...i think sometimes less government intervention does results in better prices and freedom of choice. but the modern day GOP doesn’t represent traditional republican values. Trump and the GOP are actually doing a very anti-conservative thing by dictating who gets access to healthcare, abortion, a working justice system, tax cuts, and who’s 401k thrives. If the GOP was lead by Romney, I would disagree with him, but i wouldn’t necessarily think he’s a threat to Western Democracy. If the 2024 Election comes down to Nikki Hayley vs. Kamala Harris, I won’t be having a panic attack if Hayley takes a lead on election night. You see what I mean? No ones saying being conservative is bad, but Trump is no conservative.  

  8. Much to unpack here. 


    23 minutes ago, Fat Mike said:

    Beyond forgivness, you could just accept that other people exist, and that they might have different opinions than you do


    I would point you back to what dear @knives said, that human rights aren't "opinions". As for the "legal" argument, actually many "laws" were broken and/or re-written under the Trump Administration. Acting-AG Sally Yates was fired because she would not bend the law to make the Muslim Ban legal. Furthermore, it was also once legal to jail a man for being homosexual, and it was legal to disallow black people from entering your business. Legality =/= morality, or even ethical. 


    26 minutes ago, Fat Mike said:

    IMHO liberals are probably more likely to go to an emotional response for an answer. I see these people reacting, and saying they want to put "deplorables" on a list -- that would, at the very least, prohibit certain law abiding citizens from participating equally in a civil society. 


    I have not heard a single Democrat in the House, Senate, or White House state this. What is your source? 


    27 minutes ago, Fat Mike said:

    You embolden people by threatening them. Now look at all the team red members who are going along with the idea that the election is rigged -- that happened after they were threatened.


    Threatened by who? And for what? I think it speaks to great volumes if Trump supporters believe that accountability, equality, and justice are "threatening". 


    29 minutes ago, Fat Mike said:

    And why is it that the people who want to defund the police, are sometimes the ones most likely to need a cop? Now we want a civil, 'normal' society, and to have equal protection under the law. Well, what if the other side doesn't feel like being rational now?



    https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2020/06/19/what-does-defund-the-police-mean-and-does-it-have-merit/ I urge you to read up on what "defund the police" means. It does not mean "abolish the police". Saying the "other side" does not want to be "rational" sounds an awful lot like condoning police brutality tbh...not a good choice of words. 


    31 minutes ago, Fat Mike said:

    And if you want to call all Trump supporters bigots, why don't you ask Kanye West, Lil' Wayne and Ice Cube about that. Why don't you ask the 17% Black male vote Trump got about that? It's too easy to say the other side is all full of racists. Sometimes you have to watch out for the people who are calling everybody else racists.


    I don't think anyone is calling every Trump voter racist. But, in the act of voting for him, you decided to put the economy and your own financial well-being over the rights of those who do not have the resources you have. You cast an identical ballot to the KKK. You turned your head the other way because it doesn't effect you. Ice Cube, Lil' Wayne, and Kanye West do not live comparable lives to the majority of black Americans (and on that note, neither do I, so I don't feel right projecting my beliefs on others, this is simply my observation). 



    8 minutes ago, JehovahThikness said:


    sums it up perfectly. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, knives said:


    sorry, but wanting to deny somebody human rights is not a political belief. we can disagree about budgeting and the debt ceiling or whatever, but i have zero obligation to forgive anyone -- including some of my own family members -- for voting for a person who does not believe in protecting the rights of marginalized people and refuses to denounce violence and hate.


    it takes an amazing amount of privilege to tell others to "forgive" people who actively vote someone into office who seeks to strip you of your rights and encourage bigotry. after my father told me he sees nothing but "disaster and ruin" for my brother and i, his two queer kids, simply because we are queer, and then voted for donald trump, a man who would love nothing more than to see those very words come to fruition, i think i'm allowed to pass on the whole forgiveness thing.


    this. i always tell my family members: “we can disagree on the path to get there, but we cannot disagree on the end goal”

  10. 10 days after polls closed, all the states have finally been called. President-Elect Joe Biden won 306 electoral votes (the same number Trump won in 2016, which he claimed was the "biggest landslide since Reagan" [it was not]). No blue states from 2016 flipped red, but 5 red states flipped blue: Arizona (first time blue since 1996), Georgia (first time blue since 1992), Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. A hand recount is currently underway in Georgia, but because Biden leads by 14,000 votes, it is unlikely to change. States have until December to certify their results. Today, Trump lost a lawsuit in Michigan, and withdrew a lawsuit in Arizona. Sources close to the outgoing-President state that he "will do the right thing" (hopefully meaning he will concede). 


    This is the 2020 Electoral Map. It is the sixth biggest Democratic Victory since World War 2 (1. Johnson '64, 2. Clinton '96, 3. Clinton '92, 4. Obama '08,  5. Obama '12, 6.  Biden '20, 7. Tie: JFK '60 and Truman '48, 8. Carter '76. 



  11. 9 hours ago, lifeisavelvetcrowbar said:

    She thinks she is so edgy, the lyrics are cringier than Bad Guy. Once again, the only thing going for it is that the production sounds cool.


    its a little cringe ngl but the beat and melody slap. 


    I feel like the whole thing will SLAP so HARD if u listen to it when ur angry 

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