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Posts posted by Mer

  1. 7 minutes ago, urgirl said:


    she's catholic, whats with the tw evangelicals ?????


    not that anyone should be jokingly putting tw in front of any form of religious belief, but she's not even evangelical. 

    She was the favorite among Evangelicals, and her nomination is an appeal to them by Trump. 

    I put the trigger warning bc the evangelical group has caused harm to many, including religious minorities and LGBT+ communities. 

  2. TW: abortion, evangelicals, politics 



    Amy Coney Barrett is a 7th Circuit Judge. She has publicly said all forms of abortion are “immoral”, has said she would vote to end the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and would undo gay marriage rights at a federal level. 


    Further reading for anyone interested 


    Trump’s selection and the runner-up: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-navigating-competing-demands-evangelicals-over-supreme-court-pick-n1240997


    Her impact in the SC:



    Her judicial record on abortion:



    I shouldn't have done it but I read it in your letter

    You said to a friend that you wish you were doing better

    I wanted to reach out but I never said a thing



    See the sea, I'm a supernova
    I walk on water and I dance like Joplin
    When the sun descends
    I dive into the waves again

  4. there are violets in your eyes

    there are guns that blaze around you

    there are roses in between my thighs

    and a fire that surrounds you


    so kiss the sky and whisper to Jesus

    my, my, my, you found this you need this

    take a deep breath, baby, let me in 

  5. 31 minutes ago, White Dress said:

    I'm as far left as they come but I swear the left is going to be the death of itself

    Actually this comment reminded me of a paper I read by Rosenberg (he’s one of the leading sociologists of today) and he predicts that in the next couple decades, the left will move so far to the left and the right so far to the right, they’ll circle towards each other and create a mob like civilization—i.e. democracy is cannibalizing itself 

  6. What’s with all this talk about “it’s never going away”? Ofc it is. They said the same thing about polio and cholera. 

    Yes, our way of life may change in a few ways (did you know Paris’s wide avenues is a result of limit cholera spread in the late 1800s?). Our airports may be more secure, and going thru the TSA may now include a temperature check as standard procedure. Our luggage will be sanitized thru checkpoints, and the general population may be more aware of hygiene and hand-washing; but we certainly won’t be living in fear (on a general level) after a vaccine is released—just look at how quickly NZ went back to normal in the few months they were covid free, with packed stadiums of 20,000 ppl! 

  7. I think everyone knows I’m not a fan, espc of this album, but that video was stunning. I’ve watched it 3 times since it was released. 

    but does anyone else think this video should’ve been for “Replay” instead? It just seems to fit better w it thematically 

  8. Just now, vodkaa said:

    let's hope we get someone who can continue her legacy. 

    Ummmmmmmmmm...who’s gonna tell him 


    Just now, ChaoticLipster said:

    There goes legal abortion and same sex marriage 

    not to mention the 2020 election. If it’s contested and goes to the SC, Trump will win 4 more years  

  9. 5 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

    My friend insisted that I give Mirrorball another chance so I did, and I just noticed that IT HAS JINGLE BELLS. Sure enough, it's one of the songs that Jack did. He really did HTD dirty though, because the ones in Mirrorball are nowhere near as obvious or terrible.

    Anyway, I don't love that song but I am really enjoying August rn.

    August and Illicit Affairs are my two current favourites—and songs I associate with absolutely no one lmaoo rip 

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