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Posts posted by Mer

  1. i’ll be going to bed soon but will update any major events thru the night to the best i can so ppl waking up tomorrow have a clear picture of what happened while they slept (sorry for double posting). 


    GA: Trump leads by 665 votes.  

    PA: Trumps lead has shrunk by 5,000 votes in the past 2 hours. Next batch to be released at 4am ET. 

  2. 20,000 difference in PA right now. Projections it will be blue by sometime early in the morning (4-5AM ET). Hopefully they can just call this whole thing shortly after and we can have Trump give som half-assed concession speech (the latter isn’t gonna happen ik, but let me dream)

    8 minutes ago, The Greatest said:

    Where’s the GA update though 




    hopefully before 3am. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Party Favor said:

    can we talk about how the senate is currently in a tie at 48 vs. 48 lol. we really didn't come to play this election. 


    i straight up voted for every person with a D next to their name 


    the senates fate lies in the hand of Georgia it looks like. If Democrats grab both run off elections, they control the Senate (as Vice President Harris can cast the tie-breaking 51st vote) 

  4. 13 minutes ago, TRENCH said:



    the pleasure this gives me


    she's Floridas Attorney General who flip flopped her stance on gays a day after the Pulse shooting and tends to do nothing but lie and have fundraising corruption and now just went on FOX to say that there was voter corruption with no proof. can't stand her



    hmmmm yes there was something fishy going on with the votes in Florida...............in 2000 when Gore won but Bush claimed the electoral votes. Maybe the AG is using Internet Explorer?

  5. i have a lot of friends worried about the Supreme Court...but i don’t think it should be cause of great concern. So far the Trump Campaigns lawsuits are being dismissed with prejudice, which means he cannot appeal the ruling (as there is no ruling) in a higher court. 


    To be clear: Trump isn’t ranting and raving because he actually has a case or a legal path to winning. He’s ranting and raving because he knows all paths lead to defeat. 

  6. According to the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania, ~550,000 ballots remain uncounted, and they hope to finish counting today. Based on current reportings, Biden is winning those remaining ballots by 78%. If he can keep his margin up, he can win PA (and this whole ordeal will be over, bc Biden wins election regardless of AZ and NV). 



  7. 10 minutes ago, The Greatest said:

    I’m worried he’s not going to accept it. He’s been sending out campaign emails about how dems are “stealing the election with absentee ballots.” As if he doesn’t vote absentee and as if there is any evidence absentee voting leads to fraud 


    he has no case. he can do a recount, but recounts rarely show a disparity of more than a few hundred votes. 




    dreaming of waking up to a blue Georgia. 


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