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Everything posted by Mer

  1. I agree. Altho I do support the current Democratic Party for the most part (and the "establishment dems"), I do think that the two party system is failing us greatly. The two parties we have now were never meant to be "right-wing and left-wing". The Republican platform was on preserving and strengthening the republic, and thus the individual will flourish; and the Democratic platform was on preserving and strengthening each individual, and the society will flourish. These parties not only no longer represent what they used to, we've evolved past the need for them. The US needs a system more like Canada's, in which there are four parties--left, centre-left, centre-right, and right-wing. It's gonna take a lifetime to get there though :/
  2. Violet Bent Backwards Over Grass
  3. Mer

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    10 an iconic photo! and such a kind user too
  4. Trump is already saying Kamala is "known as one of the most liberal people in the senate"...lmaooo what? Who's gonna believe that? Bernie?! Warren?! tons of senators much more liberal than Kamala. His only other gripe about her is that she "treated Justice Kavanaugh horribly"... Right, Trump, God forbid we put a woman who holds r*pists accountable in charge of our country right? Smh
  5. I meant that Trump is the conservative, whereas Biden would be the progressive candidate in relation.
  6. Kamala is a genius choice tbh. She’s a tough as nails prosecutor, which makes it hard for Trump to play the “law and order” card now. The Biden ticket is now the peace candidate, the progressive candidate, the economy candidate, the virus response candidate, and the law and order candidate. More so, no one can accuse either biden or Harris as being “socialists”. Checkmate. What’s trump gonna run on now?
  7. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    Wow okay I would’ve never know the context behind that pic if it weren’t for this thread? Why wouldn’t she caption it?!
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-53739323 It’s kamala
  9. As the NYT reports, Biden has chosen the VP. He will announce tomorrow or Thursday.
  10. Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris tbh are my first choices. I will be excited to vote for either of them, but anyone else I’ll vote for Biden reluctantly. However, Trump probably has a lot of dirt on anyone Biden may pick at this point. Well have to see if Biden can ride out his “do nothing” strategy until November. Trump isn’t gaining in the polls yet, but he’s stabilized.
  11. This is a great idea and I fully believe World News should be discussed...but I also worry about a Reddit-like mob-mentality forming over divisive issues and a culture of cyber bullying. But I think, on a whole, LB users are kinder and more expecting than other facets of the internet.
  12. One of the only movies from my generation that I think will be regarded as a "classic", they way we see Breakfast at Tiffany's or To Catch a Thief today
  13. Oop this is controversial. (I agree on LFL tho)
  14. Lots of Andy Williams and Shirley Bassey!!! Where Do I Begin, Yesterday When I Was Young, Abraham Martin and John
  15. You should, Mensa Kaboom (?) is not a drug These ppl are hopeless Should I go home, yes or no? I’ve told you I speak 6 languages.
  16. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    who's second account is that seriously...the art of trolling i guess?
  17. It’s the faux moral superiority for me
  18. False. Children are statistically more likely to be kidnapped and trafficked by people they know and trust than strangers. Stop spreading false news and distracting from the actual atrocities we know happens on a daily basis. Not everything has to be some big conspiracy for ppl to have a strong emotional reaction, if you can only sympathize with the victims of abuse and trafficking bc you think it’s some organized “cabal of elites”, not only are you extremely privileged—you are part of the reason our justice system doesn’t work properly. Stop desensitizing ppl to the real issue.
  19. I think your third eye needs glasses.
  20. America explain!!! I think she’s saying “our Kansas”
  21. Thank you Elle!! And thank you for taking ur time and not rushing things. Looking forward to tomorrow.
  22. Mer

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    Still waiting for the punchline of this stellar joke set up Anyone who thinks you can’t be distracted while driving a stick shift has never visited the south of France.
  23. Mer

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    Yes there’s a zero tolerance rule.
  24. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    Maybe she got one of those self driving Tesla’s? Also anyone know the name of the song? Oop thanks guys
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