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Posts posted by lamms

  1. 10 minutes ago, Pico Boulevard said:


    Wo hast du es gekauft ? War gestern in ein paar Läden und habe es leider nicht gefunden :crying2:

    Hab meins von einem Presse&Tabak Shop im Bahnhof. Einige sind auch so nett und bestellen dir das auf Anfrage. 

    (Translation to not get warning points lol: Got it from some newsstand at the train station. some of them are nice enough to order it for you.)
    edit: wenn du Glück hast, hat das eventuell Edeka heute auch bekommen. Gestern wurden die noch nicht beliefert 

  2. 10 minutes ago, electra said:


    when my friends and i bought some cheap vinyl sized frames from tiger one thing we noticed is that depending on what the back of the hanging frame looks like, it can condense, crush or leave marks on the sleeves. just make sure that:


    • the vinyl isn't too tight in the frame
    • that there is a backing between anything that might damage the vinyl sleeve - so maybe putting in an extra bit of cardboard or paper or something to reduce pressure on specific points (will probably apply to plastic sleeves too as they an get quite damaged)
    • that it isn't close to something that can damage it (heat or light from a window, radiators, etc.)
    • make sure the glass is well secured into the frame

    but a lot of this depends on how the frame looks at the back - the frames from tiger i've used are normally quite strangely done with very noticeable pressure points, so hopefully the ikea ones are slightly better quality (the tiger ones are around the same price) and are just like normal frames where they just have the small bits of metal that you flip up and down with a knife or scissors. 


    this is what i mean, if you go down in this depop listing you can see the back of this frame has some whack closing mechanism that applies pressure to the actual record. i presume because its a picture disc, and they're quite thin compared to a cardsleeve / double lp that there shouldn't be a lot of pressure tho. i would maybe go to the extent of taking it out of the sleeve, but then it might be harder to centre the vinyl in the frame.


    show us when you've done it!

    Thank you for the elaborate reply! Will get back to you, when it’s done 

  3. translation (tweet prior summarizing the interview as tumblr-talk): fair enough, but reducing the whole text is a bit too easy. By the way, there were more questions in regards to the album, but LDR answered them too vaguely (or not at all), that I didn’t incorporate them


    Okay but it wouldn’t have hurt to mentioned in the end what kind of questions she dodged? Disappointed and only worth getting for that cover pic

  4. 26 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    Since we know this album has been in the works since at least ~late spring/summer 2020, I feel like we can kind of speculate the sound based on what Lana was doing.


    I remember her listening to a lot of the artists she brought as guests on the NFR tour, and that obviously informed the Midwestern feel of Chemtrails. Of course, the Joni references on the album came from her covering For Free on tour and her just being a fan in general. 

    Knowing that Dealer is a “screamer”, I remember in August 2020 she posted to her IG stories a video of her listening to “Dazed and Confused” by Led Zeppelin in her car. That video was actually taken in early July of 2020 (based on her lash extensions/nails/hairstyle) so I wonder if that was when she started actively working on this record, as we know she had finished Chemtrails that summer anyways.  

    I think we may be getting an album with lots of electric guitar and classic country-rock elements. When I first heard Lana’s description of Dealer I actually thought of that video she posted of her listening to Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin! I would love a guitar-driven album with lots of cool riffs and looser, twangier vocals. 

    Maybe the “louder” songs resembling Dazed and Confused and the “softer” songs being like Stairway to Heaven, Tangerine, or Going to California by Led Zeppelin? All with a really sultry, bluesy output in the vein of Bobbie Gentry - who Lana mentioned as an inspiration to Music Week this month.




    So Zach Dawes produced album incoming :omg: girl, you’re making me believe

  5. 48 minutes ago, theviolence said:

    This is her villain arc, one she's been building up to for a long time. Ramble incoming

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    She was critically derided with BTD, all those questions of inauthenticity and the nature of the music and SNL etc. With UV and HM, she retreated further into her own realm, existing from behind layers of her own mystique and myth, perhaps in part as a protective impulse against the hostility outside of her world. This was peak classic Lana, unapologetic of the situation outside her by living totally within herself. 


    But with LFL, she begins her foray outside. Opening the space to collaborators, bridging her world with the common world by addressing politics. Almost an exercise in reckoning with the hostile outside with positivity, proclaiming that she isn't insular, she's large she contains multitudes lmao. And it is refreshing, of course. And she builds on this positivity with NFR, a sort of archimedean point of universal acclaim and acceptance. Validation from the same hostile public that wrote her off years ago. 


    But even though the acclaim continues with COCC, Lana doesn't seem to want to accept the acceptance. She's won their game, and now she's denouncing it, she's turning it on its head, and I say this purely by the way she refuses to be amicable about her controversy. Lana seems to be consumed by the wrongs she faced at the start of her career, and I suppose that feeling of injustice, of being the misunderstood underdog, is resurfacing in a very tangible form. 


    It's the return of the repressed. What helplessness she may have felt when she was being slammed during the BTD era has reared its head again, except now she's won the industry, and she doesn't have to be helpless any more. She refuses to be internalised by it, where their acceptance basically mutes her, sterilises her. So she embraces villainy, doesn't play it safe, sells her wares on her own terms, lashes out irrationally (and revels in this irrationality); she is no longer pleading not to be misunderstood, as on Honeymoon, but simply accepts that she IS misunderstood, chronically, and makes that her impulse. So, she releases Rock Candy Sweet. 


    For some reason I keep thinking of the Hunger Games, lol. (spoilers), but the way Lana is acting right now just reminds me of when Katniss unexpectedly killed President Coin. As though, she finally became accepted as part of that establishment, but refused it, rescinded it for the dark edges where she belongs, saw it as the hollow world it was and decided she didn't need it. 


    Where does she go from here? I think after releasing this next album, she'll have spent all this vengeful energy and will continue on down some elusive path, out to somewhere untethered from the rational and critical world. It'll mark, like, a new dawn of Lana; this revenge being the antithesis, and her new synthesis emerging as something totally left-of-centre post-RCS. Where she's being super reactive now, to the press and the past, I think she'll finally reach a point where she is done with it all. And I mean properly done, not repressed. This is probably the last ritual, some type of self-cleansing, clearing out the attic and airing out the old grief, before she moves house completely, takes us somewhere fresh and new. The last journey, perhaps, before entering legend space. 


    Thus concludes my wild over-read of post-NFR Lana, thank you, thank you. 




  6. Okay let‘s not steep as low as attacking some writer on twitter. Her article was horrible and twitter stans are already on there, giving her shit again and embarrassing themselves. 
    However I don’t see why she thinks it’s necessary to write a longer article lmao

    What is she going to add? How LDR called someone Art Deco, when she didn’t even live during that period? :hillary:

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