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Posts posted by lamms

  1. Oh fuck, I should have read the FAQ :rip: Put in a second order in the hopes, that they’ll cancel the first one, ’cause I forgot some stuff. Do you think they still follow through with that request or am I supposed to sell the double stuff on depop or something?

    Order as it stands now:

    2 red cropped COTCC shirts

    2 black COTCC hats

    both chapsticks

    1 signed CD

    Imagine being so stupid and pay two times for those horrendous shipping costs (70$!!!! combined) :cryney:


    edit: just realized it isn‘t even the signed CD -I misclicked omg i hate myself

  2. 3 minutes ago, Elle said:

    @UltraviolenceBaby @gatadelrey


    I haven't been able to check-out either (ATL, GA) but I think it's probably for the best right now as they're still adding more categories. So I'm going to wait it out for later today.


    Can we get a quick roll-call of anyone who has been able to successfully place an order and where you're located? x

    I asked @Terrence Loves Me a couple pages back and it seemed at first they got through, but later said something about scam lol

    I doubt anyone is able to go through with it for now, because it hasn’t been officially „opened“

  3. I‘m crying. Writing this up as I listen. It flows so perfectly, she put together a fantastic track order; no skips, perfect length. The most beautiful small sister an album (NFR) has seen. Lana's mind is truly an enigma, because there is no explanation for how she keeps coming up with such stunning melodies.

    BOPS: Tulsa Jesus Freak, Wild At Heart, Dark But Just A Game, Dance Till We Die

    In regards to possibly one of her best bridges (in DTWD): If the next record is indeed more country and sounds like this, I'm totally down for it. Omg it’s absolutely gorgeous! Her voice! The tempo! The instruments! Yes! YES!!

    Heart-clenching beautiful: Not All Who Wander Are Lost, Yosemite
    Yosemite especially is a career highlight. Sweet baby, it felt like she cleansed me of all my sins

    Thoughts on White Dress‘ vocals, because I take any comparison to Stargirl Interlude serious af: Well that certainly wasn’t what I expected with „whale like noises“, but I‘ll take it. Her approach fits the song and makes it quite haunting. Also something we haven't heard her do before! Definitely not her saddest tho (Pawn Shop Blues and Fine China remain untouched)

    All in all, she outdid herself and I am at awe at her progress as singer/songwriter. I have to say though, that „White Hot Forever“ would have fit as album title so much better. Sure, there are sometimes these sorrowful parts, but at it’s core this album is bright. Not only for all those hopeful lines:

    • no more candle in the wind
    • just ‘cause you keep me believing
    • You make me feel invincible
    • I‘ll keep walking on the sunny side

    But also because of its folkiness and desert feeling: not in a yeehaw way, but a hot, succulents, dusty, foreign way. For COTCC it’s missing the glamour tbh

    So in conclusion when Lana sings in The Greatest about burnout, this album is the cure. It gives me this feel of healing; like taking deep, deep breaths. And I personally haven’t felt this comforted since I‘ve heard Lonely. And while it's a Tolkien quote, I really needed someone to tell me Not all those who wander are lost.

    I'll treat her forever to Denny's or whatever she's craving. She deserves it. In the end, it may be dark, but it's just a game :spin:


  4. 1 minute ago, iconiclogan said:

    okay but i kinda enjoy this bc u get to enjoy it from anywhere in the world tbh like the pop ups are so cool but they’re very limited to only the people who live in california 

    Yes of course. She sold the Surf shop merch online too. But it's just that I'd still enjoy seeing this coming into real life

  5. 5 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

    I feel like walking around in an LMLYLAW t-shirt would encourage sexual harassment because men are scummy and creepy, but anyways

    Walking around with a shirt saying "Chemtrails over the country club" isn't much better. All you do is attract the nutcases :rip:

  6. 4 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:

    Losing so many streams by releasing it in the US time zones


    so dumb

    Though she really doesn't care about that and neither does her label, since they don't force her release to be more blown up. I mean, look at all the damn vinyl variants she sold, why should she care about meek stream numbers lol
    The general public will wait for the release and not go out of their way to listen to the leak anyway

  7. 2 minutes ago, wild caged animal said:

    :ma::ma:     :ma::ma::ma:     :ma::ma:     :ma::ma:

    :ma:                   :ma:               :ma:     :ma:                   :ma:

    :ma:                   :ma:               :ma:     :ma:                   :ma:

    :ma::ma:     :ma::ma::ma:     :ma::ma:     :ma::ma:



    :ma::ma::ma:     :ma:              

                             :ma:         :ma:              

                         :ma:             :ma::ma::ma:

                     :ma:                 :ma:              :ma:

                 :ma:                     :ma:              :ma:

    Let‘s gooooo!! The energy we need!


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