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Everything posted by Dreamboy

  1. People need to STOP associating her to supporting Trump. If her husband, and I repeat, her husband, supports him then that's his own problem and only his. She has openly talked about how she hates Trump back in the LFL days, she even did witchcraft during the election time. Some here says that now she's "radio silence". That's a right of hers, she's not obligated to openly say something each election year. And now that she's married to Jeremy, if he's a Trump supporter, it's her right to not say anything online. If you guys are judging her by this, then I guess now it's the time when we see who are the REAL fans and who are the ones who only think she's nice when she says what they like to hear. Sorry guys, but the world doesn't work like that and that's perfectly fine. I don't have a single problem with her if she doesn't want to say something in public about politics and you should be the same. Also remember: we don't choose who we'll fall in love, the heart has it's things
  2. Oh god, how I miss that day... Best day of my life (along with Madonna's concert in Copacabana). Still can't believe that in 1 year I had the chance to finally see live the two artists I love the most and that I follow since I was a kid and a teen - and whom saved my life, in the most definitive sense of the word, when I was in one of the darkest periods of my life.
  3. I just want her to perform Million Dollar Man again, that's the crown jewel of the BTD tracklist
  4. I've been expectating that for the last 12 years, we always knew Chuck filmed everything and we never even got a tour properly released (nor the Hollywood Forever concert). I really hope it gets to come true, would be a dream to get a Lana doc
  5. Listening to Bel Air back in the day I've spent like months singing ''Walk in the way of my soft dress erection'' and was like wtf is she singing? Later I realized it was ''soft resurrection''
  6. Actually she's talking about a ''cherry coke user'', which means sweet addicto and that's fine. Maybe he uses the coke necklace
  7. With the Olympia vocals, please. That's simply heavenly Hope mama delivers the first single for Lasso plus pre-order after tonight's show.
  8. Just finished this, what u guys think of it? I used the Coachella doc poster as background and then vectorized Lana's actual picture to make it look like a drawing
  9. I really hope there's some changes on the set, bring back the old classics plus never before performed live songs like Religion, The Blackest Day, The Other Woman, Groupie Love, Coachella (which fits perfectly), WTWWAWWKD
  10. I'm starting to learn how to use Photoshop and had an idea for a Lasso poster this week, put it on my notepad and then did it today. It took me 2 hours to create it. It's simple but I'm proud of it and I want to know what u guys think of it.
  11. It’s coming you little bitch
  12. Does someone have the audio, split, of the concert?
  13. Just luv the motorcycle entrance, she looks like a goddess
  14. Gurl you snatched my wig right there lmaoooooo
  15. Just saw her yesterday for the very first time and it was a dream came true. After dreaming about this moment for 10 years, I finally saw her live and it was the most special and beautiful thing that happened to me. I cried the whole time, actually I was trembling a lot of times bc I was so nervous/anxious/happy. She was absolutely divine on that stage and it was like I was seeing an angel in front of me. After all, dreams do actually come true. Can’t wait for her to come to Brazil again.
  16. Taco Truck is absolutely her best ending track since Get Free (which remains at #1). The album, as a whole, is a true experience. It's sincere, deep, hard to comprehend sometimes, but overall beautiful.
  17. Believe me, I got so pissed yesterday when I found about that I’m still calling them out on twitter. It’s outrageous for us as fans… Those idiots said it’s in a “secret location”, and those who were chosen received the address on their email. One of the main Brazilian fanpages called UMBR on twitter and then they replied on private, probably the label said something that made them delete their previous tweets - which is ridiculous!
  18. Can’t believe Universal Music BR did such a mess with this… people who are influencers got the email with the address, us who are fans just got nothing except a discount on the online store. Shame!!!
  19. Anyone attending the listening party in São Paulo?
  20. Gosh I can't hear Grandfather without hearing ''Rosemead Exclusive Baby'' on my mind, help me
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