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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. its from late june/early july. Those are lash extensions and she wore it in july. If its from 2 months ago, idk i she would take about the album cuz it wasnt finished at the time :/
  2. omg what if shes one of the users i dragged some day
  3. She reached 17mln followers. She needs to do giveaway
  4. nfr is boring. her worst album. period
  5. Can someone tell me how to unsubsribe from audible... Edit nvm i read i cant do it on phone
  6. I feel so dumb cuz i went on holidays few days ago n i forgot my wallet w my credit card so i cant listen to the book on audible... Gotta wait but its torturing me
  7. It thought it was electric guitar.....
  8. I dont really care for audiobook since im a visualiser and cant comprehend anything in my language, let alone in english but i cant wait for the book. Wish it would come out sooner
  9. Um. Shes checking on Indian reservations. Its literally on their page
  10. I think it was first about sean but in a good way but she completely reworked it after the breakup
  11. If u google lanas shop, it says in the description "shop merchandise and media from upcoming 2020 album Chemtrails over the country club ".
  12. I have a feeling its gonna be her worst album. Its gonna be either country or spoken word Violets v2
  13. Today i had a dream that i got cocc vinyl. Lana wasnt on the cover and the back cover was completely psychedelic. Also i remembered very very well that inside there was an inscription that the title track is coming on august 23rd. So fingers crossed for my paranormal abilities
  14. Honestly if she really comes back to that Hawaiian glam metal sound, its gonna be amazing. But lets be real. Its probably gonna be lana whispering to the piano instrumental.
  15. ^can someone give examples for lana songs in that "hawaiian glam metal"? Is it something like Kill Kill or just lizzy era in general
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