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Everything posted by lizzyology

  1. The way today is another Lizzy Grant era slay day
  2. They don’t like me, but her nose is very different from the pics that we know of around late 2006, it’s still super noticeable with the hump from front/ side in other pics. The pic is no doubt edited in some way if it is her. However, I cannot tell - I think someone should pull out some new pics from that time frame to truly determine if we are on the right track lol (very desperate) 👀
  3. Just in case for whatever reason pics of the album go missing - I took these from an ebay listing for ~$9.47 USD + shipping https://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Ordinary-CD-Dont-let-me-die-a-waiter-Fast-Free-P-P-/334052909610?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  4. Looks like a select few copies are still for sale on Amazon and eBay UK lol
  5. I'm late but hi - not my random comment making an appearance
  6. What are the Facebook fans with the same tattoo gonna now 🏃‍♀️
  7. Maybe a long dead topic? Either way, I made a IG story with the expectation of embarrassing myself (I did), and it looks like I am awaiting on a further response on one of the Starlux Hotel pics from Chuck herself lol. Lets see if anything happens later!
  8. Full pic taken by one of my friends who happened to be at Disney the same day & place Kinda odd that they took it without their permission rip
  9. Not me watching you ask that each time lol - I think I have it recorded
  10. lizzyology

    Text Book

    Also sounds like Team by Lorde and Give Your Heart A Break by Demi Lovato lol
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