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Everything posted by lizzyology

  1. The Giver Chappell Roan poster, fresh off of a city bench for sale LMAO- https://www.ebay.com/itm/316457318145?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=acrutugytgm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=nivz2lz4rso&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. Love them - will be seeing them on tour in 2 months. Paige used to like my ugly LDR edits before I became lizzyology on Instagram lol
  3. You can thank lifelovelana for that one - they thought that she was copying me, as they used to complain about her to me. I forget what her user is on here, but I absolutely loved her when she was around 😭
  4. also the same person Lana is replying to here was involved in promoting the deletion/ inactivation of other fan pages when I first started, by using her friends. Kind of full circle actually - to annoy and delete others fan pages indirectly, then to have your page deleted, and then make a call to action about page deletions 😭 RIP lizzystrailer, itsvenicebitch, missborntolose, and others - you are always missed
  5. You should’ve seen what it was like in 2019 and into the pandemic there - the teens and 25 year olds were bored, jobless, sick, and ready to fight 💀
  6. Ashlee Simpson, you will always be my spirit animal 😭
  7. Now this was the award I was robbed of, @Elle !! Tell me that I didn’t place last when the votes were counted
  8. Being runner up for biggest stan of 2024, but also being absent for like 75% of the year - crazy 😭
  9. Lana Del Rey was never a sex worker. That photo does not exist - even if it did, that’s a weird request 😭
  10. @HeadBitch not being nominated for Biggest Stan in 2024 over myself, who contributed nothing that year, was very much a disservice! You sure you didn’t get the votes mixed up?
  11. Strangelove was reputation the entire time. Having two accounts, and being banned for unrelated reasons for both - and how that went under the radar for like a year, was crazy 😭
  12. I am deciding to nominate myself for the… QUEEN OF DISASTER AWARD, QFTC AWARD and finally…, MOD QUEUE AWARD My epic year for the messiest Rise and Fall of a Lizzyologist Princess & for failed Lizzy leaks, has been one for the books! ”Never get high on your own supply”
  13. Im so glad she brought out Chappell Roan as a guest today
  14. Rob putting the phone down on Lizzy Grant era visuals is a crime
  15. To set it straight, Rob Kristofferson, who owns the CD, gave those titles up to the lady I'm speaking with. Personally, I think he probably looked them up on Google as well - but that's why in-person interviews in Lake Placid/ Saranac Lake have been planned to review metadata for confirmation and possibly see where the masters of the album went, since my initial post. And to give these people the benefit of the doubt, its been almost 20 years since an obscure EP was passed around basically by word-of-mouth; they are trying their very best to help us any way they can . *It is always a win either way, to even have the opportunity to talk to people who remember her from so long ago. But I don't think sleuthing in real time has ever worked out well for me - so I will not be updating anything Sirens-related publicly, anytime soon
  16. we are actually at the point of irl field trips and messaging someone who might have the masters - this is just the start 😭😭😭
  17. that is why I added the last 2 sentences in that post…
  18. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Lana changed her mind a couple of times with those titles 😭😭😭
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