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Everything posted by lizzyology

  1. I literally predicted a Munch x Fingertips collab months ago, my mind is so predictive When Munch was fifteen, naked GRAH, next door neighbors did a schemin’
  2. I’d honestly be surprised if she released the album within September - watch it be pushed back to 2025 LOL
  3. You have my addy from the lipsters, pull up - I’m waiting
  4. Oh Lizzy Grant 2006 Navajo Reservation era, you were so ahead of your time - but just in time for 2024’s kuntree music
  5. NAUR - if you remove Lana from Tik Tok, who will be listening to Betty Boop Boop and Birds of a Feather now Mr. Donald Trump?
  6. Did you know that the live was paused inside the LA parking garage?
  7. Let us not act like Wayamaya and Trash Magic wouldn’t be a good fit for the record
  8. “I met Demi Lovato recently, my name is ________ and this is my M&G story. I met her August 28th of this year and it was horrific. She was rude, not classy and she lost a long time lovatic that day. I walked into the $350 M&G and say hello. she replies with "fat" and I shook it off because I thought maybe I had heard her wrong. As I approached her and asked to do my pose, she stared at me blank faced. I continued talking "you saved my life" I say. "You're the reason I'm alive today". She looks me dead in the eye and says "you'll die soon enough, fatty" and then whispered "obesity". I started crying I had never felt pain like this and she started laughing and said "are you crying? Stop it. Stop it now" and she flicked my vagina. The photographer took the photo of us and I headed out of the M&G and that's when she started speaking whale to me. I still can't believe this happened. I cried writing this. I wish this weren't true but Demi Lovato is in fact; a horrible person. Now she's harassing me on Snapchat by sending me awful photos, fat shaming me. Thank you for reading this “
  9. It’s giving that one Lizzy Grant 2009 shoot with the gray background omg-
  10. Knowing Lana, she will likely sing Starlux, For K Pt 2, and Trees ft. Arthur Lynn live at Coachella. I can for see the future
  11. But also - we know that Lana only lived in Alabama for like 1-2 months from early Feb (?) to maybe mid April 2008 if we’re being generous (and if we trust her MySpace location updates); she would’ve already been living in her trailer for like half of a year as she moved there in 2007 while dating Steven Mertens lol *also the interviewer for that specific interview used to be one of Bob Leone’s girls that followed him around NY apparently 😭
  12. SLAYYY!!! I’m glad it arrived safe - I tried making the packaging like a tank so it would get messed up!! If you flip through it, there’s a second spread of Bill Levkoff photos of her friend Sara Lindsay Copeland, who is the only known person who owns a physical copy of Lana’s Lana Del Ray CD with the album cover.
  13. does this mean I get a Lana follow on IG now/ gold star on here or-
  14. But no worries @Elle; I was an avid seller in a different community for other things so it is no secret if you look hard enough + I don’t give Lana privacy either, the karma came LSKDKDKDJ
  15. Vote for me next year - Drama of the Year 2024 Sleuther Lizzyology gets doxxed immediately after the lipsters on accident LMAOOOOOO
  16. Time for you to check your physical mail box @Elle - I got a notif for it randomly
  18. They are balling and screaming in agony, that a certain few were robbed!!!
  19. the way I haven't even gotten to the end of the November Lizzy Grant finds lol
  20. Lizzyology was driven off of a cliff, listening to the news that they lost the awards for all their nominations!!! Bystanders apparently say this was no accident as "Goodbye to You" was blasting from the depths of the cliff - weather watchers say the forecast for Lizzy Grant pics is headed for a drought in 2024
  21. Lizzyology as they left the ceremony:
  22. Lizzyology was seen coughing on everyone as they walked out, announcing their stage 11 covid infection!!! Robbed, Lizzyology was met with paparazzi at the airpot sporting a single bag of chips on their way home back to Mongolia:
  23. You need to spill who did it in your dream!!! If not - we can Nancy Drew this mystery together
  24. The way I was even considered a nominee- And for best username too - the way I took my user, several years ago, from somebody that I fought with over cows 😭😭😭
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