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Everything posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. Wait, weren’t we initially told the single wouldn’t be out for another 2 days…? is something still happening Friday????
  2. Omg wait yes. I can actually picture the guy saying something like the beginning of the NFR trailer!
  3. I love how much more dimensional the track sounds even though it’s still in the same vein of her previous work. I have a feeling this is going to be one of the more classic-sounding tracks of the record—definitely expecting a few sonic surprises given the collaborators. Also, the listing of songs that user on ATRL gave to describe the song really makes sense now—didn’t do it enough justice though So so excited!
  4. Y’all. The production is fucking gorgeous. The most perfect bridge between her older and more recent work. WE FUCKING WON
  5. Going to fail my last 2 finals today if I don’t finish studying, but WE MADE IT!!! Her next magnum opus methinks see you in pre-release!
  6. It’s been a fun ride everyone—can’t wait to see you all in the next thread soon
  7. honestly I’m cool with however the album art looks as long as it fits the record and really invites us into the little world she cooked up! However…I would like an aesthetic masterpiece but I won’t be too picky
  8. This is so interesting….the layers and potential nuance that adds with each name
  9. me & the rest of LanaBoards running to pre-order when we find the the tunnel under ocean blvd
  10. I’m really curious to see if the lead single is representative of how the entire record will sound. This is (apparently) all new material, so I’m expecting it to be pretty cohesive even if it does vary by producers, tone, etc from one track to the next. We’ll have a definitive answer in the coming months
  11. lilac heaven is the next picasso i fear .. no one ask them not to be sad
  12. To think I will possibly have closure on LDR9’s “powerlifting” comment tomorrow
  13. I kinda regret posting their description now but oh well Personally I don’t trust anyone’s descriptions except my own because no one perceives a single song the same way, but it is an interesting (and partially unexpected with BoZ’s description) amalgamation of tracks
  14. the way I would be overjoyed with this as the cover..
  15. idk if y’all saw it yet, but here’s one description of what the single will sound like! Take it with a grain of salt, of course!
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