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Posts posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. 1 hour ago, sweetcinnamondealer said:

    Here's some I though

    Also after Google searching a bit I found this company's website:



    Their DNC stands for "Durable N Comfortable" and this jacket looks oddly similar to Lana's :oopna:

    In before the LDRVillage guy’s comment about DNC merch is because she’s using Durable N Comfortable as the merch clothing provider:godlaugh2: (mostly kidding)

  2. Instrumentally, all we really know is Jack was tuning 808s for Lana and Drew was putting together orchestral arrangements, right? 

    I suppose we also have the Rockefeller snippet, but whether that’s the final product (or that if stays consistent throughout) seems unclear. Am I missing anything?


    I’m so excited to see how this album will sound:excited:

  3. 3 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I don't think they see her drafts since she announced BB and the cover without anyone knowing (even boz said "that wasn't planned") but the fact that a scat attack is almost always followed by something happening is really weird I agree :bebe:

    This is a really good point!

    Part of me feels like BoZ wouldn’t be related to anything that directly intrusive, and that makes me wonder who would even be involved with her Instagram drafts…I feel like that’s so, so risky. 

    I don’t really know! Did anything else happen the day after the attack that I may have overlooked? I don’t remember anything else, but then again, I was really focused on Lana’s post lol

  4. Wait, did we ever talk about how we had a sc*t attack right before Lana posted about the theft on Instagram?


    How would someone have known? I mean, we know her phone was being accessed remotely, but I’ve noticed that happening before. 

    As others have mentioned previously, it does seem unlikely that people can access her drafts given that we don’t get “attacks” each time, but what if it’s because she doesn’t upload her posts in advance?  


    Idk that entire situation is still strange to me:eartha2: any thoughts??

    edit: I wrote “immediately” instead of “in advance”

  5. 2 minutes ago, Party Favor said:

    so how many vinyl variants do we want girls :oprah3:

    none because she’s doing a surprise digital release tonight at midnight:ma:


    lol but maybe like 4? I’m curious to see how the “no color” she mentioned is translated to the vinyls if at all..


    (then again I am a bit skeptical about the no color claim lol)

  6. 6 hours ago, Aberdeen Beauty Queen said:

    Which album do we think LDR9 is going to be most similar to?


    Realistically, my guess is Blue Banisters despite the wide range of possible producers—mostly due to the “plastic bags” lyric and her description of the record: wordy, conversational, having orchestral touches by Drew, etc.

    Also, although we don’t know if the “umbrella” snippet was the final product or even part of the record at all (much less representative of all of LDR9), it did sound like it could have easily fit on Blue Banisters. 

    However, BoZ potentially calling LDR9 a masterpiece given his criticisms of Blue Banisters makes me wonder if his dislike of BB was centered around its soundscape, indicating a shift sonically.

    After all, BoZ’s music taste does seem to be more pop-centered, and this might explain Jack bringing up the bombastic tracks which were used to contrast COCC’s “restrained” (as mentioned in the interview) approach to production. 

    If she continues down a more toned down path, I’d love a darker, more dramatic presentation similar to the vibes from the W Magazine beach photoshoot. I guess we’ll see! Either way, I have a strong feeling I’ll love this record!

  7. 1 minute ago, NikoGo said:

    We know the footage had plans to be used, because she told us it did. I’m sure it was part of the massive “past two years” album trailer she talked about wanting to do. It’s really sad how all of this happened and I hope she somehow gets her videos back. I’m sure the theft caused some issues

    I must have missed where she mentioned it! That makes me sad for her, though—it sounds like she had a really clear vision for it. 

    Given that Chuck would likely be involved in something more homemade (and how relatively recent the theft was), I wonder if Lana lost the entirety of her footage or if Chuck already had a decent amount of it. I can’t imagine how disappointing that is for her :(


    All of that said, I still have really high hopes regardless of the visuals. After Lana suggesting uncertainty over releasing COCC and the alleged last-minute tracklist change to Blue Banisters (according to BoZ), it really excites me that—even after the theft and the potential for a leak—she stated how confident she is in this record.

    She’s mentioned that she generally has a good idea of how well her albums will be received, and given how assured she is in this record, I think LDR9 could be one of her biggest since NFR! Time will tell:ma:

  8. I genuinely think the album is finished and that we’ll hear something in the next few months. BoZ’s comments (even prior to the FJM reply) really seem to point to a completed Lana record, but it’s tough to say how the theft situation may have impacted the release timeline. 

    That being said, I doubt she lost any major music material; her interview emphasized that most of her songwriting (outside of voice memos) has been in the studio, and her producers will undoubtedly have copies and access to her work, even if she merely sent them a voice recording. 

    However, I wonder if any of the footage stolen from her was related to the record, such as for a homemade music video or something similar. Also, I’m sure emotionally—and perhaps legally—it’s been troubling for her and her team, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that would cause a delay as well. 

    Then again, maybe we’re just waiting for the vinyls to get ready:oopna:

  9. 1 minute ago, BartenderDeco said:

    why did ben and eclipse say its a solo album?

    I’ve wondered this about Ben specifically as well—it seemed like a random thing to specify imo. 

    There’s been a lot of talk about a collaborative record with Nikki Lane (there could also be collabs on a covers record?), so I’m thinking maybe they’re just specifying that it’s not entirely a collaborative album.


    Then again, Ben’s made more cryptic comments that never came to fruition..:eartha2: 

  10. Here are some random lyrical motifs I thought I’d add as possibilities (hopefully they haven’t been mentioned yet lol): 


    -Religious parallels

    -Poet/poetry reference 

    -Ultra-specific location for the setting lol

    -Fire/the sun/stars/space

    -Americana seen through a dark lens 

    -Apocalyptic undertones 

    -Existential/reflective themes 



  11. Woah, this is such a cool idea! I’d love to help if there are spots available!

    I’m not really sure where I would be needed most, but I really enjoy writing and making melodies!

    Although I’m mostly familiar with piano and have a string setting on it as well, I’m in the process of learning how to play my acoustic and electric guitars, so just let me know :) 

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