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Posts posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. Country music can be conversational and angry, but the orchestral elements from Drew throw me off a bit. Then again, Lana has compared Ride and Video Games to the country genre, so who knows—not to mention she’s notorious for putting her own cinematic, Lana-esque flair on things:smokes:

    Then again, there’s always the possibility of the angry/conversational/orchestral record being separate from the country music:ma:Or maybe LDR9 will be a more eclectic-sounding record like LFL:oic3:


    I’m fairly neutral about whatever the actual outcome will be, but the suspense is killing me:prettyhurts:

  2. 29 minutes ago, Brow Bone said:

    Share some moments you feel comfortable sharing around Lana's music and those moments if you wanted to below. 

    I really enjoyed reading your post, and this is such a neat prompt for a thread (also general content warning for potentially sensitive content :)) also I had an edible & am feeling open so lol

    It’s honestly funny to me now, but I remember hearing NFR in full and feeling shocked at how much it was mirroring my life. 


    Like, my exactly 6’2”, eccentric, and emotionally immature musician ex (NFR) had just cheated on me and abruptly decided to permanently leave the US to further his musical career in music despite it being the demise of our relationship (California and TNBAR—the demo, mostly) and left a public letter addressed to me about his mental health because of our breakup (California), but I never responded to it….and the fact that he worked as a bartender to save up for his move. I have to laugh:ma:


    Truthfully, my mental health was fairly awful before the breakup even happened (The Bell Jar was my comfort book lmfao), but not long after it, I met my current fiancé, and I finally began feeling “hope” despite my circumstances. Shortly after, Love Song came on in a late-night car ride with him, and I’ll probably always think of that night when I hear it. The rest is history :) 


    so excited to see where her music is headed next!!!


  3. If she truly embraces country on this record, I don’t think it will be the modern, country-pop version that seems to dominate the genre lately. 

    While Lana always puts her signature twist on a sonic landscape, I think she’s more inclined to lean into the sounds of older country, and I think Prettiest Girl In Country Music (particularly the melody and harmony) is a great example of that. 

    What’s interesting is that she’s already mentioned Drew adding orchestral elements to her tracks for LDR9, so are we getting a mix of wordy, orchestral-tinged tracks AND country? Are these separate projects? Time will tell:makeup2:


  4. 2 hours ago, Urbanney said:

    Thank you for this! I love how thoughtful it was. You don’t find personality quizzes like that often. I would love one for each album from you. :defeated:


    I’ll try to get another one ready today! :)

  5. I really don’t know what to think or expect. There have been so many twists and turns of vague, questionably relevant information. 

    However, my prediction is that (assuming she releases LDR9 and LDR10) her next two records have the potential to be her most divisive among fans OR will be designated her new Magnum Opus. 

    Based off of her recent interview, it really seems she’s taking a risk by reframing what she’s largely known for: her lyricism.

    Personally, I think we’re in for a treat! However, I can imagine this change of direction could be not-so-pleasant for some. Either way, I’m excited lol

  6. Just now, Venice Peach said:

    I just hope we get to know what DNC means cause it will haunt me forever otherwise :bebe:

    I feel like it has to be related to LDR9 in some way. I guess it being related to a separate project like poetry is possible but that seems less likely imo. 

    I definitely think it has some significance or else the director for LDRV wouldn’t have even considered it as being relevant enough to include with merch. I guess we’ll see..:prettyhurts:


  7. 5 minutes ago, NikoGo said:

    I'll take bombastic as long as it's not disco..that trend has to be wearing off soon. It's been the trend for years now, and it is getting a bit stale. Although I guess any time Lana goes a route sonically she always makes it her own so I should have faith she'd do it again

    I have similar sentiments as well. Disco isn’t my favorite genre, but if Lana pursues it, I doubt it would be purely disco—much less the more mainstream disco that’s been popular lately. She loves blending genres and adding her own Lana-esque twist, so it would be interesting (if nothing else) to see what she’d cook up!


    Disco is partly characterized by its synths, electric guitar/piano, horns, strings, and distinct basslines, so I think there’d be plenty of room to make the genre her own, so to speak!


    If Lana does pursue disco, I could see it having influences similar to that of this song (though this song isn’t purely disco itself)




  8. This is really shaping up to be one of her most interesting and mysterious album cycles. It’s exciting how little we know, honestly!

    Typically, where she is geographically tends to get reflected back into her music, but she’s been frequently moving internationally and within the US lately, so who knows what location-specific inspiration we’ll see. Then again, what if the album is (close to) finished, and her recent traveling experiences feed into a hypothetical LDR10 instead:dua:


    Similarly, in the past, her Instagram posts have—probably unintentionally—included little tidbits of the album’s essence (sometimes even with exact lyrics), but her posts have been “all over the place,” so to speak. 


    much to think about:prettyhurts:

  9. Last night I dreamt Lana released a single randomly & the small portion I remember was SO GOOD:air:


    I’ll butcher this description but it sounded like the “white hot forever” chanting portion of TJF + the muffled chaos of “everything, whatever” in Venice Bitch + the chorus of In My Feelings

    It was pop-heavy but also very trippy. It felt like you were swimming in this dreamy song, and the production (mostly synths and drums) was just as loud as her vocals. I know it’s unrealistic for LDR9 but still:oopna2:

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