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Posts posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. I just woke up from a LDR9 dream (my first one since this thread started!!!), and here’s what I remember:


    1.) She was trending on Twitter, and the album was receiving A LOT of attention. 

    2.) It was a surprise drop, and I saw someone online refer to it as an “epic” project (blaming Rob for this one lol)


    3.) When I went to search for the album, the first thing I saw was an article titled “Lana Del Rey’s Essay,” and I remember being like, “Please tell me it’s not another QFTC”

    that’s all I can recall. It was very vague/confusing, but it’s so interesting how we’re all dreaming about this record:eartha2:


  2. 50 minutes ago, Pretty On The Indide said:

    What I'm interested in is what other element will she be exploring in relation to water. 

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    I wouldn't mind if she went full WOO for an era tbh


    this isn’t another element, but it would be neat if ice were a part of it (“waist-deep in icy waves” caption:brows:


    I like the idea of a really cold, moody, bleak-feeling record, and I think it would fit. Also, she’s done similar like in Swan Song’s “rushing up from the water where the ice meets,” so we’ll see!!

  3. This may have been mentioned, but I have a hypothesis about LDR9:brows:

    1.) I think half (maybe up to 75%) of this record will essentially be the musical equivalent to Violet—wordy, lo-fi, intense, and conversational. I’m expecting these tracks to be an extension of the Blue Banisters triple singles but with a more orchestral twist

    2.) I think the other portion of songs (maybe 25%-50%) will be noticeably different in both lyricism and tone. I think it’s no coincidence that Jack divulged that there was a third pool of more energetic tracks that remain unheard. Not only do I think this would balance the record well, but I think her team is likely encouraging her to possibly put out more “commercial” tracks after the quiet release of Blue Banisters. Also, she seems super happy lately, so there’s that too!

    Because of this, I could see us getting a record like LFL that has songs that appear to be on opposite ends of the spectrum both in production, tone, and lyricism (think Lust For Life vs Change).

    Do I think we’re getting LFL 2.0? No, but I think we can expect a larger but cohesive variety of tracks that can appeal to a wider audience, and that might explain why we’re seeing Jack, Drew, and potentially Rick as possible participants in LDR9. We’ll see:whatever2:

  4. 1 minute ago, sadhotforever said:

    Also, maybe I'm just being delusional but could the piano have anything to do with the covers album?:toofloppy:

    For all we know, it very well could be! You could even argue the possibility of her next audiobook or the alleged Nikki collab record:smokes:


    That being said, Lana’s had piano in every record since BTD: it’s just a matter of how it will be utilized. As of now, it’s tough to say, but who knows!

  5. 15 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    It would be beautiful but at the same time I'd be constantly thinking about the potential the song could have with a bit of additional production (basically what already happens to me with all her acapella leaked demos like this one) :um2:

    You’re 100% right. Personally, I think some Honeymoon-esque strings would fit it perfectly:ma:


  6. I haven’t had any LDR9 dreams lately, but a few months ago I dreamt that she randomly dropped LDR9 & it was like…very moody, I guess?

    The album was, like..imagine God Knows I Tried mixed with Titanic Rising (the album).

    It was like Honeymoon’s lo-fi sister record…it’s unlikely but one can wish! lmao


  7. I really hope there’s some unifying production element that makes LDR9 feel entirely its own even if she continues down a similar sonic path

    Like, NFR has the mellotron and its electronic elements, BTD has the autotuned loon and background shouting (among other things), etc.

    While I certainly can hear the differences between the production and instrumentation of COCC and BB, I think I would have loved to see some “extra” element added to both to fully differentiate the two since they’re both relatively sparser sound-wise. That’s just me though:w8ing:

  8. 30 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    Maybe LDR9 concept is the (even more) twisted version of HM and that was for the album trailer :hype:


    Omg I would LOVE this. 

    Imagine an album called…


    “Til Death Do Us Part” that revisits and continues the themes of Honeymoon through a completely new perspective, and there’s a lovesick-centered track called “Death Never Came”:oic2:

  9. 7 minutes ago, Pretty On The Indide said:

    I have a feeling LDR9 will have a similar energy/vibe/essense as Dealer. Like a cold bleakness.

    I honestly would love it! 

    Along with Dealer, that vibe makes me imagine something like Tired Of Singing The Blues (especially the wordy, angry intro). It would be a cultural reset, I fear….:ma:

  10. 15 minutes ago, revadece said:

    lyrically-wise, i don’t think this album is going to be anything like honeymoon, or her older more romantic works. i mean, lana kinda confirmed that herself in the interview:

    I completely agree. 

    I think Lana might do a 180 lyrically on this record for that same reason. I mean, even as autobiographical as BB is, it’s still full of color emphasis and other similar metaphors and Lanaisms, so I think we’re in for a surprise! I’m anticipating the lyricism to be like Violet’s edgier alternative (if that makes any sense)


    That being said, I do get a Honeymoon-esque vibe from this record: mystery, subtlety, seaside, luxury. Then again, we know virtually knowing else about LDR9, so who knows lol



  11. 1 minute ago, JFKs Fine China said:

    Imagine the album surprise drops digitally on a random Friday in June. 

    If she does intend on a surprise release with no singles or little promo, I would imagine that her team is going to push for a decent amount of “commercial” (or bombastic:oic:) tracks


    This possibility is really interesting given that we already know **some** songs on this album will be wordy, conversational, and angry. Maybe we’ll get an album that’s a solid mix between almost spoken-poetry-style-songs and Cinnamon-Girl-esque bops:brows: 



  12. Ben mentioning that the album is coming soon to Lana publicly is certainly fan-directed. 

    I also feel like Lana following Rick Nowels is probably coincidental, but the old alleged screenshot confirming he’s working with Lana has me wondering if he’s worked on LDR9 or potentially a different project.


    I love how mysterious this era is!

  13. WNVV0Xe.jpg



    Front + Back Cover


    July 3rd:

    -LDR9 Trailer (directed by BRTHR)

    July 4th

    -Digital Release

    -Vinyl Pre-Order

    -”Commerical” Track Music Video (directed by BRTHR)

    July 5th

    -Pop-Up Shop in Los Angeles

    July 6th

    -Homemade Triple Music Video Release (directed by Chuck)

    July 10th

    -LDR9 Title Track Music Video—with monologue—(directed by Anthony Mandler)

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