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Posts posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. At this point in a Lana record’s development (knowing songs have been sent to Drew and Lana being seen in Jack’s studio), reliable insiders would normally have spilled a crumb of info by now—especially considering Ben claims the entire album is coming soon. 

    Lana’s team has either upped their security measures, or a surprise release is imminent. Either way, both are nice possibilities for me personally:true:

  2. Wait, I’m realizing something:

    LDR9 might be coming sooner than we initially thought. The frequency of Rob’s studio photos (for me, at least) gave the impression that the record was far from finished. 

    However, now that RG1 is likely, Ben’s comment about a new Lana album coming soon makes way more sense. “Soon” is subjective, but I wouldn’t be shocked if we get a single this summer:brows:

    Just now, GeminiLanaFan said:

    One of his posts had to be about her though, the one about the beautiful SF songs… 

    Maybe this is just me, but I interpreted that caption as like, “Look at San Francisco: the city that has had so many songs written about it in the past.” 

    that was just my interpretation, though!

  3. So now that we’ve possibly ruled out Rob’s involvement, the only info regarding the album’s content we have is…



    -angry, conversational, wordy lyrics

    -fewer color metaphors 

    -orchestral elements 

    It’s not much, but now we know that Rob’s involvement is minimal (if there at all). 

    Personally, I’m excited for Rob’s debut:oopna:


  4. 4 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    The micro snippet we have from his studio also sounds promising (and Lana cutting the video right when the music starts makes me think it is indeed one of her songs)

    Omg wait there was a tiny (potential) snippet from Lana? Does anyone know where I could find it (assuming it’s still there)?

  5. 1 minute ago, colaandvideogames said:

    Think of like some random trip to Italy or
    buying a new dress or giving yourself bangs LOL or moving to Jacksonville. Something random.



    In before she gets bangs for the new era & moves to Jacksonville for LDR10: her beachy magnum opus:ma:

  6. 2 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

    Are we in our Swifties era..:awk:

    Someone try to analyze for shadows or the 5th letter of every word in her posts 

    Speaking of Swifties and sleuthing:makeup:


    If that Lana x Taylor x Jack photo is indicative of a collab—whether it be for Taylor’s next (re)release or for LDR9 (which seems highly unlikely but)—the combined detective powers of Lana and Swift fans will be unmatched. 

    We would probably crack the code & find out the titles and tracklists for Lana’s next 3 albums:godlaugh2:

  7. 5 minutes ago, hotshot2am said:


    Looks similar but not the same to me.

    I think the pocket area of the flannel is different, but I could 100% be wrong. 

    The flannel in the chair has the little flap thing over the pocket, but Lana’s doesn’t (unless it’s being covered by the way the shirt is folding)

  8. 57 minutes ago, OverYourHead said:

    I’m sure there is and like everyone replying to me I too wouldn’t give a crap about that opinion but this is literally a thread about unpopular opinions and everyone’s got so pressed about mine:omfg2:

    Is it really an opinion if your statement is determining whether something (if people truly enjoy her music) is factually accurate or not?


    Sure, you feeling that the majority of Lana’s unreleased discography is mostly bad is an opinion, but stating that others only pretend to like it isn’t. You can dislike her unreleased music freely, but acting like other people can’t enjoy it is a bit nonsensical.

    Music taste/quality is subjective. What’s garbage to you may be raw and honest expression to others, and what’s excellent to you may be pretentious, overly polished fluff to another.

    Also, keep in mind that you can assert an opinion without reducing people’s enjoyment of art and without generalizing Lana’s unreleased discography as being pedophilic and “potato-quality.”


    edit: Just to be clear, I’m sure the phenomenon you described can occur (and probably does to some extent), but the rest of your following posts were a bit unwarranted

  9. Did anyone catch in the W Magazine interview that—immediately after mentioning the role the elements and geography play in her music—she mentions California being a current storm center?


    What if lightning and thunder are an integral part of LDR9/10s musical landscape:oprah3: 


    (more inclined to say LDR9 but then again the album could be finished & we’d have no idea lol)

  10. 3 hours ago, Venice Peach said:

    There's so much disconnect between her looks this year and what I expect the album to sound like. She's giving Italian glam + baddie + hot rich mom but the music description is giving metaphysical essay :um2: 

    what if it’s because she’ll be serving both:dua: bombastic baddie AND cerebral writer

    lol but who knows! Her outfits, locations, weather, objects she brings into the studio, etc have consistently (probably unintentionally) been reflected back into her music, so it’s interesting that we’re getting such polarized presentations!


    I think LDR9 is either going to be split between being really dark and fun….or it’s going to be (as a whole) more bleak and poetic. If it’s the latter, I think her more lighthearted and “glamorous” aura will be reflected in LDR10.

    I don’t know, but I love speculating lol


  11. Speaking of leaked songs, I find it a weird coincidence that French Restaurant leaked when it did, and I almost wonder if it’ll find its way on a future record. 

    It’s not my favorite track in terms of lyrics, but I love how much atmosphere it has despite it being an instrumentally-sparse track.

    I think her current musical direction would transition into that song nicely, but if she does include it on LDR9, I hope it gets a little reworked even if it’s just lyrically:smokes:

  12. 4 minutes ago, revadece said:

    change is actually the best song on lfl but you are not ready for this conversation :oprah3:


      Reveal hidden contents

    ok maybe not the best one, but it has grown on me a lot and i love it, it’s probably in my top anyway. haunting instrumental and beautiful lyrics


    It’s definitely in my Top 3 for LFL. I don’t think Change got the attention it deserved, and I honestly think it marked a turning point in her artistry both lyrically and sonically.

    Really, the last 3 tracks of LFL (Change included) really embody the direction of her work post-LFL. Truly a gem of a song. 

  13. I’m manifesting that the double-release tease from Lana’s management was about Behind the Iron Gates. Maybe it just wasn’t ready by the time she released Blue Banisters. 

    Echoing the sentiments of @lanadelrey’s previous post, Lana’s description of LDR9 seems like it would pair well with the one poem we’ve heard from the alleged book: Patent Leather Do-Over. 

    Like, imagine a surprise digital drop of LDR9 followed by pre-orders—one of said orders includes a joint package of a LDR9 Vinyl + The Audiobook/Physical Book.

    Will it happen? Probably not. I think a package deal is possible if she ever releases BtIG, but two pre-orders at the same time? On one hand, her team could suggest that the two projects would mutually draw attention to one another. 

    On the other hand, pre-orders can get pricey—especially for two independent works. Some people (myself included) would likely need to save money far in advance, so maybe that wouldn’t be the best business move? Who knows. Regardless, I love the concept lol

  14. 34 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

    lana & rob’s cheek to cheek moment is coming :bop:

    Unpopular opinion but if Rob has any capacity to sing, I think a folky track with Rob’s background vocals would be really cute if executed well (think the male background vocals of Brooklyn Baby but for a song like Chelsea Hotel No. 2) 

  15. 20 minutes ago, BartenderDeco said:

    jack is a really busy man i don’t think he would have time to add rob into his schedule imo

    That’s a really good point! I think the only way he might is if it were only for a song or two.

    That being said, another possibility I haven’t considered until now is that maybe him being in the studio with Jack was for Lana, and maybe him being in London is for his own personal endeavors. 

    This era is so interesting lol

  16. 15 minutes ago, BartenderDeco said:

    Buffalo Studio

    566 Cable St, London E1W 3HB, United Kingdom https://g.co/kgs/GZET72

    i don’t think this is it but it looks somewhat similar. i’ll keep sleuthing


    I don’t think that’s the location, but I could definitely be wrong. This is a photo from outside of the studio you linked. The window styles don’t seem to match the ones in Rob’s photo unless there are different ones on the other sides of the building. Who knows:whatever2:

  17. I’m really starting to consider whether Rob is working on a solo project. 

    If I remember correctly, there hasn’t been a single photo of Lana and Rob together in the studio, but it does make me wonder who was taking the photos of him.

    Then again, a post of Rob’s suggested that he has some involvement in the production/mixing process which Lana is notorious for stubbornly having her hands all over, so I’m now more inclined to think it’s something for him only. 

    That being said, we have seen him with Antonoff, but that could simply be because Lana brought the two together for a few songs to help Rob get started. 

    much to think about:eartha2:

  18. 2 minutes ago, NikoGo said:

    I don’t think it is. I searched other picture of the studio and none of them showed off the wall window from Rob’s post 

    I was wondering about that too. I wonder if there’s just another room that wasn’t included in the photos, maybe? 


    Either way, I’ll keep investigating, and maybe I’ll find it:ma:

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