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Posts posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. 7 hours ago, bluechemtrails said:

    I guess the song is either related to the famous umbrellas at the Rockefeller Center in New York City in the 1930s/1940s like mentioned before


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    btw I always forget that her big theme is Americana, even though it's so obvious, from Elvis, Marilyn, Hollywood to country music and cars


    Woah, I never knew about this! This actually seems way more likely! I’m really curious to see where the song leads if this is the case. 

    It immediately made me think of the line in LA Who Am I To Love You where she says,


    Also, neither one of us can go back to New York
    For you are unmoving
    As for me, it won't be my city again until I'm dead
    Fuck the New York Post.


    So excited for this record!!

  2. the thread is dead, so I’ll take a few guesses on what the “Rockefeller” snippet is about based on what little we heard:oopna:


    Interpretation 1:

    She’s likening her lover to John D. Rockefeller in the same way she would compare her significant others to figures of Americana (like JFK). 


    -If this is the case, this man is the “umbrella” that shields from the hardships of her life. The last word appears to either be “sorry” or “story” (storyteller, possibly?). With this in mind, maybe she wronged this man and is apologizing or he is a storyteller in the sense that he crafts together lies to feed her. This concept reminds me a lot of the themes in Born To Die, actually. 


    Interpretation 2: “Rockefeller” is a metaphor for her wealth/fame—also because of John D. Rockefeller. 


    -Perhaps the umbrella of money and renown protects her in a more tangible sense, but despite her “God, I love you baby” directed to it, the darker tone suggests a less healthy relationship. Perhaps this is almost like a bridge between Money Power Glory’s sarcastic approach to wealth and infamy and the somber longing expressed for her pre-frame days in White Dress. 

    Interpretation 3: She’s actually saying “my own brother” instead of “my umbrella,” possibly suggesting a Sweet-Carolina-esque nod to her “baby” brother Charlie Grant. 

    -The more dissonant melody in the snippet paired with possibility of her saying, “Sorry,” at the end makes me wonder if it’s almost a WFWF situation where she revisits something from their childhood. Then again, maybe she just threw in the line to paint the picture of her current life which seems to be very family-centered as of late (like how she vaguely mentions Chuck in COCC). 

    Let me know if you have any thoughts or other possible explanations!

  3. 43 minutes ago, i talk to jesus said:

    we can dislike another musician while still being civil. we would not like if someone made the same accusation about lana.

    I feel similarly as well, and while Taylor’s artistry does have a large business influence, that really goes for most mainstream artists, including those Lana has worked with in the past. Also, although this is subjective, I’d argue that Swift’s music—while generally easily digestible for the general public—hasn’t really been too generic as of late.

    Like, The Last Great American Dynasty by Swift, for instance, is pretty atypical content for both her discography and most pop music. She may not be my favorite artist ever, but she—in my opinion—makes easily listenable music that often has intricately intertwined narratives if examined closely (particularly with her last few releases)…not to mention her lyricism for last 2 albums has been insanely specific. 


    I also completely agree about the “ripping off” part. I mean, it’s fairly normal (almost inevitable, really) for artists to borrow and repurpose elements of other musicians’ art. I mean, Lana’s influence on Taylor’s music is certainly there, but I’d argue there are only a handful of songs that mirror Lana’s. Not only that, but Lana’s artistry has strong ties to nostalgia and harkening back to the essence of different eras of music spawned from artists she admires. Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen are great examples of this. 


    Even though I rarely like collabs, as long as the potential track turns out well, I don’t mind at all:smokes:

  4. 10 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I just want to say how clear her high register sounds in the Rockefeller snippet. I liked the raw breathy vocals on WD and SC but I missed this style. And it's a recording of a recording with a phone... imagine the actual thing :shock:

    Omg I thought the exact same! It reminded me of Watercolor Eyes a bit but more vocally solid(?) and with more clarity like you mentioned. 

    I honestly think that song is going to be a stunner. The piano beneath the vocal melody makes the track feel uneasy, almost (in a good way).  

    Even though it sounds like she’s saying, “God, I love you, baby,” in the snippet, the delivery feels oddly dark and less affectionate than what the lyrics suggest. All I know is that it’s been playing in my head constantly:krylie: 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    If it ends up being real (the collab) what are you expecting? I think it could either be country leaning or maybe something more cinematic since that's what Taylor likes to copy  get inspiration from Lana

    I’m pretty much expecting the same! I think folk-country is a big possibility, but at the same time, I could also imagine Swift intentionally steering away from that after folklore and evermore. 

    The album’s description seems murky, almost, so something dark and cinematic like you mentioned would make sense as well (aka the trailer version of Swift’s Carolina lol)

    I also think a more rock-ish sound could make sense as well if Taylor’s trying something new, and given the album’s aesthetic, it might have a more vintage feel that would align well with Lana. Maybe something like DBJAG but with more of Swift’s influence? I’m very curious:popcorn:

  6. 2 minutes ago, Aberdeen Beauty Queen said:

    The fact that this has been Lana's biggest streaming year ever, she's had a song in Euphoria, and is now potentially working with Taylor makes me hope that this era will be more mainstream.

    I really like this idea, and it also makes me reminisce on how grand the releases of LFL and NFR felt to me—especially with the lovely album trailers:flutter:

    Then again, imagine it’s just her team’s way of getting a bunch of streams to “green-light” a more lowkey, obscure project that wouldn’t be as well-received commercially by the public…like for country or conversational, automatic singing:oopna:  (btw I’m 100% supportive of either of these options—just offering another possibility lol)


    That being said, Blue Banisters was subtle in its release, so I wouldn’t be shocked (especially with Dua’s departure) that her management wants something that feels more grand and engaging for her audience. 


    I’d be equally happy with any of the routes, but regardless of the path she chooses for LDR9, I do hope she returns in a unique, unexpected way! 

  7. 1 minute ago, honeymoon is alive said:

    all of taylor features give good space for the guested artist to perform, it won't be different for lana idk why we having this conversation :thankyou:

    This is a really good point after thinking back on Taylor’s discography collaborations, and considering how business-oriented Swift is, I really don’t think she would waste an opportunity with one of the most esteemed songwriters of our generation—especially one Taylor has personally deemed the most influential artist in pop music AND her favorite lyricist that’s a woman. 

    At the very least, I’m thinking Lana will have songwriting credits on a song if these photos mean anything, but I would be shocked if Swift didn’t ask for some vocals as well. 

    4 minutes ago, The Siren said:

    considering taylor is the music industry, i guess anyone outside of taylors team are told to either lie about their involvement or completely ignore the rumours?

    It’s definitely a possibility! That being said, I’m more inclined to think he would have been asked to just be silent about the rumors than to make a point to deny them. Do we know where the screenshot of the alleged tracklist came from?



  8. If there is a collaboration, I think Taylor would make sure Lana has a significant role in the track. Swift has expressed SO much adoration for Lana that I’d be shocked if Lana only had background vocals. Plus, observing how Taylor’s management seems to operate, I definitely think they’d ensure Lana’s fanbase would get replay value from it. 

    While I rarely care for Lana collabs (with some exceptions), I think Taylor’s love of Joni Mitchell and pop-oriented approach to different genres could make for a really interesting pairing. Honestly, I think it will be either really good or really bad (for me personally, at least). 

    Around 1:16, the chorus of Swift’s Cowboy Like Me begins, and I could totally hear Lana hopping on a track like this (“I’m your man,” vibes, almost). Then again, given Lana’s reputation for more somber tracks, maybe we’ll get something more heartbreaking. We’ll see!



  9. 11 minutes ago, BlueINK said:


    But a Grammy nomination says nothing about how good an album is. Her first three LDR albums would have 10 Grammys each if that award was handed out for really good music.

    I mean, what you consider good is completely subjective. There’s nothing about her first three records that make them superior from any objective sense, and I think Lana’s favorite record of hers being NFR illustrates that well. 

    I do agree that winning awards shouldn’t be the focus, but at the end of the day, it’s her art, and she’ll craft it however she thinks makes it great (if that makes any sense)

  10. I’m curious how many songs she has

    completed for the record as of today. 

    Ben’s Instagram comments (which could potentially be exaggerated) seem to suggest that a good portion of LDR9 is ready, but who knows. 

    I can’t remember who suggested this (maybe @Venice Peach ?), but the idea of the “umbrella” snippet being a listening party for the entire record is a fun thought….especially if it’s a digital release:oopna:

  11. 19 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    I think it was at the Grammy museum live performance… I think he called TJF the shit or something (when it still was called WHF). (But I could be wrong though)

    They never specified which was “the shit” (from what I gathered, it was whatever the first song the recorded was), but now I’m curious which:dua: after searching, I’m still not sure (if legit) where the “bombastic” & “fire” comment about TJF was from though:um2:


    I’m so, so curious to see which song really sparked LDR9. For NFR, it was HIADT, and that (imo) ended up being a masterpiece. I’m hoping—given her more energetic disposition as of late—that it’s something really fun and playful even if it’s more stripped back:ma:

  12. 3 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    the passive aggressiveness :rip:

    My intent wasn’t to be passive-aggressive, but you’re always welcome to clarify any perceived, indirect hostility before assuming so via accusation. 

    I just wanted to double-check the accuracy of your claim (particularly now with the changing source—nothing personal to you or your character) to get a better idea of what Jack’s concept of “bombastic” is because I’m excited about the new record and the prospect of unheard, lively songs making an appearance soon.

  13. 3 hours ago, lanasbottom said:

    he called tjf bombastic/fire too and yet :rip:



    I’m guessing it was just a mixup with the interview about the unheard tracks he cooked up with Lana—he’s never mentioned anything about TJF being “fire” or “bombastic” as far as I can tell. 

    He actually referred to the COCC songs as quiet, so maybe there really are some more lively ones we haven’t even heard yet! Time will tell, maybe lol

  14. 3 minutes ago, the ocean said:

    considering the couple pages i've read i'm assuming there hasn't been any notable news since i last logged on donatella.gif

    you’re back!!!!!!!! :hype:

    but yes, all we really know is Ian Walsh(?) might be involved, Jack posted another photo of Lana, and she said she hopes we like country. 

    other than that…not too much, and even the things I listed are up for debate lol

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