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Everything posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. I’ve never really used makeup before, but I’ve always loved Lana’s eye makeup in photos like this one. @Honeyyoung ‘s post in the LDR9 thread reminded me of this! Basically, how would I go about achieving this look shown around her eyes? I know practically nothing about makeup lol. Thank you in advance!
  2. I love this description so much! I’m 100% a believer that it would rival COCC/BB in terms of critical acclaim if she released it post-NFR. I’ve always found the record to be very detached, and I think your summary of it details that so well!
  3. Diamonds ‘N Chandeliers a satirical embrace of fame and wealth as a sardonic commentary on her life to (at the surface level) contrast the sentiments of her past few records The album art will feature Lana staring apathetically into the viewer as she sits atop a crystalline chandelier in the Chateau Marmont. The record will feature a reworked, more lyrically mature version of the Trash Magic demo retitled The Man I Love White Dress (Reprise) incoming
  4. I genuinely appreciate it! I never quite know when my tangents are accurate or just rambling, but I’m glad it resonated with someone!
  5. It is a bit jarring tbh lol but I mostly like how intense her outfits/expression were. I wonder if we’ll ever get a more nontraditional photoshoot like this one. I’m kinda doubtful, but I’d love an experimental album cover. Manifesting one for LDR9
  6. manifesting this energy for Diamonds Never Crack: dark, enigmatic, mysterious, stoic, self-critical opulence, otherworldly (yes I am just stringing words together but a gay can dream)
  7. We need someone to make a vague post/comment that we can grasp at straws and overanalyze with for our own entertainment. Byron, Ben, and Chunk…this is your time That’s what makes it fun!
  8. If Lana quits social media entirely, I don’t think it would bother me at all; she deserves some peace, especially while grieving over someone. I can’t imagine losing one of the few people I’m close to and seeing others argue under a post expressing that I miss that person
  9. sorry for making y’all suffer through my ugly ass edits bc I’m constantly bored, but I’m waiting for laundry to finish & need something to do lol
  10. hope is a dangerous thing for a lanaboards user to have - but we have it
  11. I love how all we know is that DNC might be LDR9-related & we’ve managed to conjure up titles, lyrical motifs, unreleased tracks to be included, the producer, overarching themes of the record, possible music video/album art involvement by Sheridan, etc. I love pre-release
  12. in before “rock candy (sweet)” is a metaphor for diamonds
  13. as a side-note, I wonder how far into the record Lana actually is. The interaction with a fan at Variety seemed to imply it wasn’t finished, but she seems certain this one will be better than BB? Much to think about..
  14. it’s time we had our insider/LDR9 prophet era
  15. On the note of that Venice Bitch lyric, imagine a record called Diamonds ‘N Clover produced by Mike Dean! Crimson and Clover is a late-‘60s psychedelic rock/pop song, and imagining a record based off of it is heavenly!!
  16. Thank you!!! I was hoping it was just a demo; the song is already gorgeous, but I’ve been hoping for a future rework for so long!!
  17. Lana saying, “Me myself I like diamonds” was a self-fulfilling prophecy of her liking Diamonds Never Crack better than BB
  18. THIS!!! do we know if the Fine China version we have is the final one??
  19. Mike Dean & Emile Haynie would make magic together for Lana. Emile’s bent for rich orchestral production and Mike’s for dark synth pieces…please I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!
  20. I know the emoji could just be a coincidence, but I’ll come up with guesses anyways -Diamond Necklace Chain -Diamonds Never Change -Diamonds ‘N Curls
  21. I’m not sure how all of this works, but if he is indeed teasing something DNC-related, that means he’s likely involved in the project, right? He’s a hairstylist, so what kind of projects would he likely be working on that would be kept this secret? Album art? Music videos? Maybe he just happens to know since they obviously work alongside each other, but who knows!
  22. Del Norte County surprise drop on January 1–the top of the year release we needed
  23. I think this is definitely possible, and I hope that’s not just my wishful thinking—I love the idea of a surprise drop. Before deactivating, Lana herself said that her other jobs/interests required privacy, so this could make sense! Lana wanting to do this for years may imply that her label wasn’t allowing it—maybe at the time they thought she wouldn’t be able to successfully pull off a surprise drop with zero promo It’s hard to say whether this would apply to a more typical album or the covers record, but I personally find it odd that they’d be so secretive over something (the covers album) that Lana’s given prior announcement dates for and alluded to in other instances.. If she does surprise drop LDR9, that might explain Mike Dean’s intentional vagueness about his future work with Lana…and why nothing was mentioned at the Variety event my grasping at straws era
  24. I know this gets pretty subjective, but I feel like Lana typically has one song per record that really acts as the album’s mission statement, tying the themes of the record together. In Blue Banisters, I feel like Wildflower Wildfire represents this. Blue Banisters (the album) is a cohesive, diaristic work chronicling her pain, criticisms, and where she’s headed emotionally. It’s both a clarifying response to those criticizing her and an outlet for what acts as a sonic autobiography of sorts. I think WFWF represents this perfectly. She opens the song with, “Here’s the deal/‘Cause I know you want to talk about it.” Immediately, the intention of the track is clearly stated: to confess and set her record straight as she originally claimed the album would do. She does so by recalling events one would deem traumatic in explicit detail with little room for interpretation and then reflects on it: “I’ll do my best never to turn into something that burns…It’s you from whom I learn.” Ranging from the pointed remarks to critics in BBS to the vulnerable admissions Text Book, the themes in WFWF underpin the foundations of virtually every song in the record. Similarly, I’d argue that hope and Get Free are also major contenders as manifestos (pun intended) for their respective albums, and they honestly share stylistic and thematic similarities to WFWF as well. Rant over, sorry lol
  25. Her Mike-Dean-produced experimental psychedelic synth rock Magnum Opus Del Norte County is on its way She’s here to topple NFR’s crown of being her self-professed “best” record! We won
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