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Fart Deco

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Everything posted by Fart Deco

  1. The only thing she’ll debut at Stagecoach will be her pregnancy.
  2. Y’all remember Shanice from the COCC pre-release? We should summon her for some tea…
  3. So, about Anna Cofone’s ig story discussed few pages ago, under her latest post Lana replied to Anna’s comment, mentiong a call about N.O… the plot thickens
  4. I feel like something is going on behind the scenes… I may be reaching but I feel like the sudden album announcement on instagram (which, if I’m correct, both her label and her managers did’t back up) her disappearance from the media - wedding and election outcome aside - are some sort of retaliation against the label for not letting her doing things on her terms… i wonder if, after all this time and after three more intimate project, they’re still pressuring her into releasing more upbeat music TL;DR: something fishy is going on
  5. May 21 lmao we know damn well the title and concept gonna change three more time at least edit: and the release date too.
  6. The sound of the last snippet posted by lady gagie on Instagram (moondust gets everywhere) is all I wanted from Lana’s next album
  7. She should drop the Fenway intro song just to create some buzz
  8. It reminds me of Burning by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs a bit and I love it
  9. I tried to buy the hoodie but as soon as I tried to pay I received a mischievous phishing like sms from my bank and my card got declined
  10. She should revamp Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) and drop it as a single with a southern gothic aesthetic… like it goes really well with the photos she posted on instagram the other day
  11. Yas give me that southern gothic mama
  12. What was the point of posting that snippet? Like, the hype is dead… if it ain’t meant to be released in two weeks then keep it to yourself ffs
  13. Are we going to listen to the whole audio book?
  14. Actually, I’m only reading positive reactions on Twitter (as far as it matters)
  15. Calm down girls and gays, maybe our expectations were too high (Ben’s fault) but it wasn’t even that bad… it was a lil bit messy and campy, and it just felt repetitive cause it was the same exact setlist of last year festival tour, but it wasn’t the debacle some of you are making it look… also, she looked fabulous
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