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Everything posted by Chemtrail

  1. obviously. i don't enjoy listening to mumbled vocals in general It will probably grow on me anyway, but right now I don't care much for it
  2. Trying to decipher mumbled lyrics is annoying, it's fair enough if people can't be bothered lmao
  3. She's mumbling the first half, it's unsurprising people aren't paying attention to the lyrics
  4. I haven't read the lyrics on any sites, I just think that's the lyric. I've never heard the phrase "buy you up".
  5. Isn't it "I wanna buy you a classic white milkshake"?
  6. We don't know what the album sounds like yet
  7. I could take or leave it, I only really care about new music
  8. I think tours are a waste of time so not really bothered lmao
  9. Are you asking if this is the entire unreleased collection? There's over 100 more but they're easy to find in whole collections on Google
  10. Chemtrail


    No concert is worth that much especially when the whole show will be on YouTube within a week, but you have your opinion and I have mine lol
  11. Chemtrail


    Those prices just to see Madonna What a joke
  12. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    Unless she puts out some decent music I doubt anyone's watching her interviews from years ago
  13. This is true for most of Lana's music tbh
  14. Why does anyone care about the Grammys when they know it's all fake? If Lana cared that much she'd just buy one
  15. Not here for religion and Jon seems nice but I barely know who he is so Not gonna lie I'm not really looking forward to the interludes much but they're probably somewhat interesting. I'll probably skip the pastor ranting every time after I've heard it once though tbh
  16. Not you reminding me of "Throw me round like a hot potato, if you want the butter then say so"
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