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Everything posted by Chemtrail

  1. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    I remember, I thought it was surreal that anyone thinks ”fuckin lame ass” is an insult worth typing. I don't want to be what ever you are so it's fine by me. I'd be way more insulted if you did like me.
  2. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    Considering that she tried to give a bunch of cash to the girl her husband raped to keep her quiet not so long ago, and continues to contact her, I think it's the latter. Anyway I'm done with this, I'm just confused that she still has fans. Some of them do, read the last few pages.
  3. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    None of them are making any points so of course I'm not paying attention to their arguments. Put me on ignore if that's what you think. You don't know me to call me anything lol. I was saying you're part of the problem because you're yet another person overlooking any point being made. That's what makes the whole thing seem like an aimless argument when I was really talking about rape. It's just weird to me. I don't care anymore. There's no point in arguing with people I don't think much of at this point, we weren't friends before we won't be friends after so it doesn't matter anyway.
  4. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    lmao fuck this, just carry on
  5. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    you're part of the problem lol. you think that's a fight rather than seeing what I'm actually saying and why it's completely reasonable. I'm not worked up or upset, I'm confused and just making a point but apparently her music is so good that nobody minds the things she does.
  6. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    Call me crazy but if I knew anyone who doesn't care about anyone being raped and stabbed their man with a knife years ago I'd think of them as scum. How do fame, money or music excuse those things? Thanks for your contribution
  7. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    I agree and I don't understand why anyone here doesn't. Are they fucking serious?
  8. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    I don't even care what some random girl on LanaBoards said tbh but it's confusing that you all don't mind Nicki doing what she does. It's weird how once someone gets rich and makes some music they can just do anything and some of you don't care at all. I really don't get that, but whatever. All I can do is use the ignore feature and just hope these vile cunts never appear on my screen again.
  9. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    Funny how the Nicki fans have nothing to say about her involvement in really fucked up things
  10. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    More posts from you yet you have nothing to say. Incredible. I'm not even mad at anything or anyone, I don't care about you at all. I'm just saying it's pretty weird how you can turn a blind eye to her legitimately doing terrible things. No one has even had any real answer because there isn't one that's reasonable.
  11. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    what a weird thing to say about a woman who doesn't care about young girls being raped by her husband and brother. you don't care either evidently as you care more about her stupid music than what she's like and want to say some dumb shit just for likes.
  12. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    She really is a terrible person yet some people turn a blind eye because they like her music? They're no better than her in my eyes.
  13. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    I stopped reading at bitch tbh. That kind of attitude makes me roll my eyes.
  14. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    This is the exact response I'd expect from someone who sees Nicki's poor wordplay as talent
  15. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    EDIT: Removed cause I don't even care this much, that user is an asshole
  16. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    Reminder that you can't really say anything negative about anybody unless you're dense enough to overlook Nicki being involved with rapists. Her Brother said she knew he was raping her fans and she didn't deny it, you have her as your avatar and talk badly about anyone else?
  17. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    I don't even know who you are but based on this post I can see why her music is for you.
  18. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    She probably puts a lot of effort into dieting and then gets bitter when someone else just eats what they want without giving a fuck.If that isn't the case idk what the fuck is because it's a weird thing for her to involve herself in other people's weight gain as if it has anything to do with her.
  19. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    I'm so perfect she says with her fake boobs being the only thing in shot. Really? lol Imagine making fun of someone's weight gain as if it isn't really fucking boring to go on about. She has real issues with anyone gaining weight. She cried when Rihanna gained weight and ranted about how she herself wants to be skinny, as if because Rihanna is doing something she's supposed to aswell. Weird.
  20. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    I didn't even believe her when she said she was suicidal. She's a cunt, I'd put nothing past her.
  21. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    Nicki is easily one of the worst of all time, I don't think anyone genuinely cares what that clown is doing. I don't know why you're acting like she has any talent. It's like if I liked Britney Spears so I come online telling people she's actually good. It's fine if you enjoy some shit music but don't act like Nicki is actually talented because it's embarrassing. Her brain is like a badly made word association game.
  22. She didn't not fuck this the fuck up x I still love her though lol. fuck it
  23. Lana will upload it to d.bree just after she's had her dinner and put the cats to bed, hold on gays we're almost there
  24. @recklessdaughter She could do this in the Summer and delay the book but I don't want to think of that possibility, I want the book more than any of her other projects lol
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