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Everything posted by Chemtrail

  1. You should start checking IMDB ratings for films before you see them. I avoid anything under a 7. It's usually pretty accurate. The only film I've seen be underrated there is Ex Machina.
  2. Oh that's fair enough. It's scary how many people have stolen things from Lana. Poor Chuck too. Smh.
  3. I'd much rather rather be dead than famous. It's definitely not for everyone.
  4. They probably won't and that's their problem. Some people just are superficial because they think that's how the world is. Apparently it is... I don't know. I stay at home so idk how shallow the average person is. I get nothing from going outside in England so I never really hear what people say about anyone lol
  5. I don't think anyone was offended by that, it was about people making comments about her weight. I'm pretty sure it says more about them as people though, they probably pressure themselves in the same way. To put that on somebody else is disgusting though.
  6. Whoever leaked the title Sportcruiser before the tracklist was released did say it was almost 7 minutes so maybe. Didn't see this before I posted the same thing (obviously)
  7. I hope anyone as shallow as the Twitter trolls is held to an impossibly high standard that they feel they have to keep up for a while. When they start to age or gain some weight they'll probably expect people to be sympathetic. It's just bullying, plain and simple. There are way too many people on that site who have no personality and feel like they have to comment on everything they see, even though it's completely aimless.
  8. I am so bored reading through the arguments on this thread. Does anyone really care who dislikes who? Just use the ignore feature.
  9. Agreed. Also I keep up with pretty much all active Lana threads but don't really say anything and I've never noticed a particular user "terrorizing" the forum. The one thing that is tedious, as someone who doesn't care about Lana's personal relationships, is the endless discussion about Sean. I couldn't care less about this man.
  10. The transition between LFL and 13 Beaches was jarring to me at first.
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