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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. has anyone ever watched the movie good boy (2022)? it's a norwegian movie and I really wanna watch it because the storyline seems different and interesting but the imdb score (6,7) is making me have doubts lol
  2. omfg I'm so excited! I hope they won't gatekeep everything else
  3. praying for carmen and taco truck knowing damn well she's gonna forget she ever made those songs
  4. according to charlie on IG they're already in mexico! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv7wxDGgXyc/
  5. just like paris, texas and tulsa jesus freak live? sure
  6. the erasure of candy necklace is criminal tho and the tammy cover made sense for her solo show in arkansas but not for last night but it is what it is. if all of us were there last night we would have had a blast no matter what
  7. and out of nowhere she drops a hearts aglow music video!
  8. she really did it that's the worst part confirmed by a few users who were there
  9. for how long she's been performing now? I think she's gonna do video games next and that will be it
  10. https://www.instagram.com/lanadelreysclosets/live/
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