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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. I saw someone saying she sang "I've got secrets I'll take to the grave, if I don't, I might die young" but I can't confirm it
  2. PWYC now she's setting the tone for TJF I can feel it!!
  3. she's rehearsing TJF one more time let's not rush her
  4. the girls, gays and theys arriving to arkensauce's set to wait for lana like:
  5. but then she proceeded to soundcheck TJF so maybe there's hope!!!
  6. finally someone asked lana the right question
  7. no you're right she could be serving a pitbull performing at a walmart in alaska back in 2012 moment but she's not, unfortunately. it would've been so iconic
  8. the way her soundchecks are our dream setlists
  9. the person who wrote this is either one of us or something really is up
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