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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. not that I expected anything out of this but I feel like at least they could've talked about the title track instead of filling empty spaces with a ride quote. talk about the meaning of the song or the references, the tunnel. it really is giving wikipedia copy+paste
  2. she's gonna perform S&M remix with rihanna OMG
  3. SPILLED SDKJIDLJNDLILI I'll never understand their thinking process
  4. at least keep the green m&m she's a queen!!!!
  5. dealer black bathing suit tulsa jesus freak or chemtrails over the country club
  6. Wordle 585 5/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟩 ⬜🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  7. I really hope she will at least do a festival tour! all of us deserve to see her after these past 3 long years
  8. the way I don't care if she sings video games 10 times in a row I just NEED to see her
  9. I'm already dying from anxiety thinking I won't be able to buy the ticket omfg I just can't miss it this time around I already suffered enough for not being able to attend her 2 previous concerts here
  10. I'm quoting you but I'm saying this to everyone: I know how most of you are skeptical, but no he didn't. he wouldn't be saying this if he only saw a few stans talking about how lana would never tour again that's exactly his thing and why he's known for here. he announces shows before even the label, managers and artists themselves announces
  11. well but of course we never know with her, I'm just saying this isn't some rando saying shit out of their ass. lana can always cancel shows as we all know lol
  12. no, but this is a reliable music journalist. he always announces international shows that will come to brazil on his twitter before every other media outlet. he's a respected journalist, he wouldn't "just lie" if the concert doesn't happen I'm sure it will be a last minute decision thing because he only announces confirmed concerts
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