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Venice Peach

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Everything posted by Venice Peach

  1. She was the 4th most streamed female artist on Spotify in 2024 (without releasing any albums this year) and she sold out like 4 or 5 stadiums in minutes she'll be fine
  2. I only trust the real LB and ATRL insiders so whatever is said on Twitter without a source is probably fake
  3. Henry seems to pick up in the chorus/prechorus at the end of the snippet so I don't think it will be a slow acoustic song but I don't expect a banger either unless she reworked it or it goes crazy after the guitar intro And I agree with some of you... I can't see the fenway intro on this album I know she has really different songs on her records but that one sounds straight from BTD or Paradise so I could only see it on a full album of tracks like that (but I hope I'm wrong cause it sounds soooo good)
  4. She wasn't sure about the production of the album in August but she allegedly finished and mastered it in September so I guess she went for the folky and acoustic route I kinda want another guitar (non country) album from her so I'm happy There are probably some beautiful orchestral arrangements too since Drew is there
  5. I just read in the thread that the album was finished in September I wonder why the long wait since pressings don't take that much time anymore. Maybe she wasn't sure sure and changed some stuff before submitting it or something
  6. That picture is probably part of her moodboard for the album. I like the concept but I'm sure the actual thing is more polished (and an actual square )
  7. I love how she always announces stuff when we least expect it I like the title but I'll miss Lasso I honestly didn't expect the album to be done already (if it's not it has to be really close because of vinyl time). Based on the producers I expect a calm and acoustic album similar to Chemtrails and I'm not mad about it even though I'd prefer that sound in the fall/winter. Also... it's that the cover? It's cute but it's not even the right proportions maybe it's a random picture.
  8. So... what was the fenway song about then it's not country and even though it's kinda dark in tone I wouldn't say it's southern gothic either. I just hope it's on the album and it's not just some unknown unreleased she randomly remembered for the show
  9. Lasso was a cute name but if it's not going to be country (it probably still has some elements) I'd prefer something darker and powerful
  10. It's curious that she said that southern gothic was the first concept in mind. I thought she wanted country at first and then it evolved into southern gothic not the other way around Unless she's talking about the newest stuff and not about the songs she started writing years ago which makes more sense I'm really excited even if the album is still far (this interview took place more than a month ago and her latest comments a couple of days ago were really similar so I guess there hasn't been much progress but to be fair she literally got married )
  11. I'm glad she hasn't finished the songs she has already written cause we'd be having another NFR rollout if she started putting out singles without an album ready
  12. I think she means that she doesn't want to put out an album with half songs she loves and then some filler songs just to have a record ready to release. Blue Banisters was kinda like that... she had new songs she wanted to put out quickly to explain herself but weren't enough for an album so she completed it with some of her favorite unreleased songs and called it a day. I adore BB but I think it's a good thing that she's following her vision this time and just waiting for it to be done as she intended
  13. Why is she obsessed with following or not following trends all of a sudden it's like she wanted to put out a country record cause the industry is goin country but now it seems like she's waiting to see if the country era will keep going or just fade away (and I don't even know if she wants the production to match the current trend or go against it) She's so confusing sometimes
  14. Yeah reading the actual interview it sounds like she's saying to just listen to all the other good music coming out She's right... so many good albums this year but I fear we are in the Lana trenches now
  15. Wait so they confirmed a (not so secret anymore) project? It's either a covers album or an unreleased collection The album stuff is so confusing... basically what I get is that she has some songs but doesn't know if she wants to give them country production or just stick to a folky acoustic sound
  16. I feel like her saying "two more singles/songs this year" was too specific to not be a planned rollout. Of course plans could have changed and time is ticking but if she wasn't sure she would have just said some vague thing like "there's more stuff coming" or something I'll be half delulu until mid November... if we don't have anything by that time I'll just assume we're getting out first Lasso taste next year
  17. I love Lasso as an album title but I don't mind not getting a country inspired record
  18. Venice Peach


    I love him so much. It looks like we're getting another slow and acoustic album like the last one but I don't mind cause his voice is enough
  19. The fact that NFR had its lead singles 11 months before the album and snippets from every song but one it's what made it an awful rollout (up until the summer). Lasso is annoying cause we had a casual announcement and even an approximate date and nothing happened (and her latest reaction to any album mention doesn't help) but it hasn't really started yet... as long as we don't have any music out I'd consider it just an in between albums period (with a bit of extra annoyance). The proper Lasso era could start and end in the next 6 months and I wouldn't even be surprised
  20. Ocean rollout was just 4 months from first single/announcement to release so it could still be coming early next year. We still have 2 whole months this year (not counting the holiday season) so she could release a single in november and have the album by march Assuming it's done of course Without considering the February to September stuff I think the rollout will be short n sweet just like Ocean's was (once it starts)
  21. It may be a bit of an overreaction but I'd also get defensive if someone said i was "lying for no reason". There's probably some more drama behind the scenes about Lasso so I guess she's specially sensitive about it. Didn't she say she was writing with new people that kinda toned down what she would say in her lyrics? She said it as a positive thing at first but maybe she felt too controlled in the end and wanted to let go again Lasso's timeline and lore seems so interesting so I hope we get an explanation in the future cause I'm dying to know what happened
  22. Close the fucking thread wtf is this Such a disgusting and condescending thing to say.
  23. Didn't Jack "spoil" that A&W was American Whore and talked about it just as she announced the album? He seemed more eager to talk about Lasso months ago when he said it was brilliant I get his reasoning and explanation for the vague answer but it felt almost too vague
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