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Everything posted by violets4roses

  1. perfect thank u so much for explaining more! all that u wrote is exactly my opinion too and overall a very similar experience to mine. i had misunderstood ur first reply. glad i'm not alone in feeling like this/having gone through that, hope it gets easier in the future x reading so many mixed things on here! i personally haven't found much she's done/said to be super angry over but again i'm unfamiliar with halsey. i probably still know every lyric to every song on badlands but other than that it's been many years. i do agree that it seems she is just someone that is easily unlikeable due to random factors like how she can come off sometimes (+ random weird lies? idk much about this tho!)
  2. i completely get ur view point! but it's just that even though someone may go through a lifetime's worth of isolating experiences of not fitting in due to being mixed or raised by a different ethnicity or culture, it still doesn't make them apart of that race or give them that race's exp. i am a mixed person like halsey is, and regardless of having been raised with just one half of my ethnic background and totally relating to it, my skin color is not from this half, and so even if i feel i totally belong with this group (which i do!), it doesn't mean i know what it's like to go through life as someone with this group's skin color bc that is not my skin color. halsey may have experienced all kinds of hardships with not fitting in etc., but in no way is she a black woman bc she will never exp what a black woman goes through, as she's 100% white passing. imo she has the exp of a mixed person, but anyway her experiences, feelings n struggles are of course forever valid, but her statement that she is a black woman, is not.
  3. ty for sharing! so far the only actual messed up thing i found is during her 2017 playboy interview when she said “I look like a white girl, but I don’t feel like one. I’m a black woman.” which is preeetty fucked up. she’s not a poc. she’s only 1/4 black and is the epitome of white tumblr girl. at least she deleted her tweets about this kinda stuff so hopefully it doesn’t come back! other than this, i couldn’t find anything truly bad so i’m glad! (srry if this text is huge, still new ish here n idk the mobile app too well)
  4. thank you so much!! it’s good to know these things imo. i appreciate u explaining
  5. what’s up with all the halsey hate? i’m genuinely wondering. did she do smthn controversial? i remember loving badlands years ago and she was blowing up and was super loved. did smthn happen?? x
  6. the pic u quoted, was posted by someone making fun of what sweetlikecinnamon was talking about, so it def made it look like u were also joining in and being rude. as for the photoshoot part, she literally said she's not directing it at u. she only mentioned the photoshoot part bc again, the person who quoted her pic was making fun of that irony, so it was good to explain how it's not ironic. i'd say overall, it's a pretty decent forum, and i'm sure w some time you'll def understand all the lil things here. no need to take things to heart like saying you'll never sign in again and will never come back just bc someone said u had a big mouth, which they even apologized about...
  7. violets4roses

    Azealia Banks

    one time i was taunted at high school for a whole year by a girl who for NO reason, who would lash out at me, shove me in the hallways, always kick my leg in a school crowd rush, make threatening faces especially when she saw me in my car to intimidate me, like it was absolutely a miserable and scary time for me. i became terrified of her. i already had a shit life and she made it so much harder, like i can't sum up in words how horrible this exp was. it got bad enough to where i finally took it to the principal and counsellor, and basically all that ended up happening was them telling me she has a lot of struggles and so this was her natural reaction to lash out and all that, and that they had worked with her for years and knew her "story". sigh... as if i hadn't been wanting to die too for years like including dealing with sexual abuse ffs, but you didn't see me attacking others and projecting my anger and hurting onto others. it took me literally 9 entire years to stop living in a fear of running into her whenever i'd go out at night, as our city is small. and 9 years to forgive her and be in peace and accept it's really all over now. it maybe wouldn't have been so hard if i had great mental health to begin with, but i did not. i truly do hope azaelia receives the help and support she needs, though it doesn't excuse the torment she's caused others. like that experience i had genuinely fucked me up for a good portion of my life and that wasn't fair and that wasn't fine. that girl's name even used to me my fave and i wanted to name my future kid that if i'd have a girl, but now when i hear that name it's nothing but bad flash backs lol. yeah, hurt people sometimes hurt others, but it doesn't mean everything should be forgotten about just because they were hurt. the "i was in a dark place" reasoning should only be an explanation, and not an excuse. of course, i know azaelia should be supported right now and helped. i wish azaelia true peace and hope her heart becomes a lot softer and kinder in the end once she's healing. compassion is one of the best traits a person can have. (i'm just sharing my thoughts about this, not directing to anyone, ty!)
  8. violets4roses

    Song vs. Song

    Wild On You vs. Yes To Heaven
  9. https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shop/lana-del-rey-violet-bent-backwards-over-the-grass-limited-lp?category=vinyl-records-cassettes&color=045&type=REGULAR&size=ONE%20SIZE&quantity=1
  10. i don't really want this on lana's new album. it reminds me of when i only liked lana's part in Don't Call Me Angel. maybe they'll sound good together but i guess i'm worried it'll automatically ruin a song for me on the album
  11. sigh.. i believe this convo ended when i said i disagree so please just let it go. you think what you think, and i think what i think. it is what it is. whatever floats ur boat.
  12. i understand your point of view but i respectfully disagree.
  13. i see what you’re saying, but i’ve also seen very hateful and accusatory tweets toward her with well over 100k likes/retweets, like multiple of these. i don’t believe she’s in good standing with the overall public.
  14. i didn’t say the vulture is the public. i said i feel it is a shared sentiment that she’s getting a lot of backlash currently after finally having the highest regard from the public, to date.
  15. while the review is trash, the part i bolded is a shared sentiment imo, like: i also feel that finally the public's opinion on lana changed and heightened by the time of nfr, and now she has all this backlash and hate aimed at her. i really hope she can fully come back from this by the time of her next album.
  16. that’s what i’ve been thinking too, because i’ve seen/listened to multiple posts/interviews including in her new poetry audiobook where she talks about how she didn’t come from money and was actually basically poor. i love her but it does frustrate me a bit because even if she struggled a lot, she still did come from money and privilege. she was even born in manhattan new york lol out of all places. i think it just comes down to the way she thinks and sees the world. same with her current controversies. like, i’m sure she means well and has good intentions, but it doesn’t translate in the way she means and where she’s coming from in her mind
  17. LA Who Am I To Love You (17) The Land Of 1,000 Fires (16) Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass (-9) Past The Bushes Cypress Thriving (15) Salamander (16) Never To Heaven (+14) Sportcruiser (17) Tessa Dipietro (16) Quiet Waiter Blue Forever (15) What Happened When I Left You (13) Happy (15) My Bedroom Is A Sacred Place Now - There Are Children At The Foot Of My Bed () Paradise Is Very Fragile (17) Bare Feet On Linoleum (15)
  18. violets4roses

    Azealia Banks

    new here but anyway.. i believe that azealia is talented (for example check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Jv9fNPjgk like you can't deny..) but obviously her personality is very nasty and i can say i really can't stand her anymore and wish she didn't have a platform to spew hatred all day. if she really has valid reasons to hate lana, then she should talk about those valid reasons, instead of going so low to comment about her looks which has nothing to do with anything. but overall this isn't even her biggest problem. azealia has a history of going after many artists. she even tagged drake in her current story for attention. i think it's best to just ignore her away, as her trashy opinions aren't worth giving any importance to.
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