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  1. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    That's why I said "apparent insiders" and "but we'll see what really ends up happening" 
  2. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in "Compromised Password" - Stay safe everyone!   
    Yep exactly! That's what I meant with keeping the password unique for this site 
    Nice, thanks for sharing that! And yeah this definitely was not all accounts bc this didn't happen to my friend on here
    My email and password for Lanaboards is actually unique to only Lanaboards and nowhere else! Always has been like that, so it can't have been any multiple combination problem  
    Thanks for looking into this and good to know about the encryption! EDIT: And thank you for all your hard work and dedication into this site ? 
  3. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in "Compromised Password" - Stay safe everyone!   
    Yesterday Lanaboards went offline for me for a while, and then I woke up to this notification: 

    I've never had this happen before! Just sharing as a warning to maybe keep your password more unique for here, especially as this site isn't secure/not encrypted (no HTTPS/SSL protocol so far) EDIT/UPDATE: site is encrypted, but still keep your password unique! . Stay safe! 
  4. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Get Drunk in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    the way i don’t know what this means?
  5. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I love that some of y'all are going all out with interpretations, beautiful and intricate deep meanings and everything, meanwhile I haven't even really processed the album being released 
  6. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in White Dress (Music Video) - OUT NOW   
    Yeah I also wish they made it more clear if it was supposed to be about her past/reminiscing/being 19. And I wish there was more of a story rather than just skating too! It could have been a lot more grand overall. Like I love it, but it doesn't necessarily excite me or leave a big impression 
  7. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    It's ok! I also personally love heavily produced songs. This album, while objectively well done like NFR, doesn't hit me the way the others did and it's just due to a lack of production compared to the others. I'm definitely 100% in love with White Dress though ? But otherwise, while I'm generally not into piano ballads/acoustic-like/stripped down styles of music, I'm sure her future works will be appealing as she experiments often 
  8. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Does anyone know if there are any other confirmed music videos/singles coming up??
  9. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Clown world come through  What a week!!!
  10. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Times like these I especially wish I had a bestie who was into the same music I am Feels so lonely lmao, like freaking out with someone you love over the same artists/music would just be so magical 
  11. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I was going page by page here quickly trying to figure out where this title idea came from, only to realize there are already 80+ pages. Good job everyone!! ??
    I'm sooooo looking forward to a potentially psychedelic rock/rock influenced/alternative rock type of album, anything like that. When it was said she's wanting to release something very different from her usual, my mind just went to straight up country which I'm not into at all, especially with the "spending so much time in a close circle of country music friends" comment ? But I never imagined it could just as much mean something like rock! Maybe like country rock...? Which I can't imagine (something like Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats is like "country rock" pop to me but I can't at all imagine Lana doing that kind of genre, although again it was said she wants to do something she's never done before so who really knows :-)). But imo Lana's already done a bunch of stripped down music/bunch of piano ballads etc. so if this is really supposed to be a really different direction then I can assume it shouldn't be straight up country which wouldn't be too surprising. So let's see!!
    Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me 
    LMAO I just really don't like country okay  Lana is queen in the experimental world though so I'm excited for this nonetheless.
  12. partymonster liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Halsey   
    perfect thank u so much for explaining more! all that u wrote is exactly my opinion too and overall a very similar experience to mine. i had misunderstood ur first reply. glad i'm not alone in feeling like this/having gone through that, hope it gets easier in the future  x
    reading so many mixed things on here! i personally haven't found much she's done/said to be super angry over but again i'm unfamiliar with halsey. i probably still know every lyric to every song on badlands but other than that it's been many years. i do agree that it seems she is just someone that is easily unlikeable due to random factors like how she can come off sometimes (+ random weird lies? idk much about this tho!)
  13. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I'm not applauding anything, I'm just glad this is all coming to an end. I just think this is the best we'll get from Trump in terms of a concession speech, which is what I fully consider this to be (I think this is a decent explanation of it @ 14:00+). Further, multiple media outlets have also publicly and openly called this a concession - i.e. Forbes, CNN, ABC, CBC, Bloomberg, PBS, Toronto Star, Global News, National Post, and counting. Trump acknowledged that there will be a transition of power on the 20th, that a new administration will be inaugurated, and that it was an honor to have been the president, and that's powerful - an admission that it's over for him and he won't be president anymore, even if it's not respectful as it has historically been or doesn't follow the traditional outline. Never before have a bunch of things happened like during this election cycle.
    As for his mind, I have no idea how that functions lmao.
  14. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
  15. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by knives in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    no no no, never thought that even for a second!! i just found it funny like pence thinks hes really doing something  unfollowing the president of the united states of america doesnt undo all the harm hes caused. therapy probably couldnt even help these people
  16. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    What a fucking day... Apparently very soon, congress will continue certifying the electoral college vote, so I can only imagine the night is still very young, and not in a good way. Stay safe, everyone.
  17. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by lizyyygrant in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Music Video - OUT NOW: January 11th, 2021   
    She saw y’all complaining about not having born to die visuals and a cinematic aesthetic anymore and she said 

    I also find it interesting that it seems like there was a girl in the trailer that looked like her younger self. Oh boy this is gonna be so EXCITING!!!
  18. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    It'll be so wonderful to hear her cover some classics  I'm unfamiliar with songs from way back in the day so these will all definitely be new to me! She already has such magic in her voice that shoots me backwards in time with even her modern music, so I can just imagine. Love it! I also wonder, many years from now, what our generation's classics will be lol, Gucci Gang? 
  19. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Summertime (The Gershwin Version) Music Video: OUT NOW - November 19th, 2020   
    Oh. My. God. As someone who's never loved the blonde on her, I've been blessed and have changed my mind  She looks amaaaazing. How does she look more and more beautiful over time, seriously? Just stunning. And that first "summertime" note slayed right away. 
  20. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    I can't waaaaait. I need this. Missed her so mach.  
  21. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    OMG IM ON BREAK AT WORK AND I CAME BACK TO GOOD NEWS!!!! bye bye ugly orange troll. 
  22. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    ♡♡ Congratulations, everyone!!!!! ♡♡
    The culture is lit 
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