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bel air rose

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Everything posted by bel air rose

  1. omg 1. she wasn’t lying YESSSS 2. a high budget single cover??????? shook. 3. she just recently followed george strait so it’s possible she may cover one of his songs for this album
  2. yeah I don’t understand the constant hate, especially on this forum. I fully understand if u wanna vent any frustrations, but it seems like some users only come on here to constantly criticize her say ur peace and log out lol
  3. i mean if u look at her recent retweets on twitter i think it’s pretty obvious who she voted for
  4. pretty sure someone who was there debunked that and said they were jokingly saying they need to end the signing before the health department shuts them down
  5. bel air rose

    Song vs. Song

    cruel world vs freak like me
  6. bel air rose

    Song vs. Song

    brooklyn baby vs velvet crowbar
  7. i need lana to cover house of the rising sun. this is my only request
  8. just realized there’s a possibility we could get a studio version of knocking on heavens door on this covers album
  9. let’s look at the positives: -we have a date (xmas) -dec 25th is a friday - it is being released digitally so we don’t have any physical production delays to anticipate - the date she gave us is like basically a month away, if she’s lying it won’t hurt that bad
  10. i think this cover album has a huge potential to be amazing a lot of the american standard songs are from the golden age of jazz- if this is what she’s referring to i think we’re in for something pretty special im only sad about not seeing the album cover and tracklist for god knows how long also, I still think we’ll get the mv soon, i would HOPE everyone including brthr wouldn’t be teasing it if it wasn’t coming out soon but if we learned anything this era it’s trust no one
  11. bel air rose

    Song vs. Song

    because of you vs last girl on earth
  12. bel air rose

    Miley Cyrus

    tbh I wouldn’t want either of these songs on the album, i’d rather have all new songs im actually suprised how many people wanted them to be included, they’re good songs but they’ve been out for like a year now
  13. bel air rose

    Miley Cyrus

    omg ur mind.....
  14. y’all need to relax, i hate the cop but he was in 2 seconds of the video and his head was cut off. this video was obviously a montage of her time in between the 2 records, it’s not like they’re dating anymore he was just apart of that time in her life
  15. agreed, I don’t mind this messy (but cute) montage visualizer to the song but I do expect more from the title track and artistry for the rest of the album. from the start of her career she always captured her music so beautifully in pictures and videos and it’s out of character almost to abandon that
  16. ok so the video was a bit of a mess but she didn’t make a big deal about it so I think it served it’s purpose for just being a cute little visualizer. to me, I saw it as a goodbye to nfr and hello to chemtrails. the video shows footage of her traveling to the midwest on her tour and ends with her on set for chemtrails. to me it’s a bridge between the 2 and i’m happy we got a little something
  17. not my professor putting my class into zoom groups rn and ruining me watching lmlylaw at exactly 12pm
  18. ur dad is a btd local IM SCREAMING ok but still TASTE. I never share her music w my friends or family bc it feels so personal but I always wanted to although my boyfriend doesn’t mind listening in the car but that’s about it
  19. ok just listened hehe I definitely don’t hate it, I think the vocals are already an upgrade from whispery nfr. I agree with other users that the second verse sounds too similar to the first and it’s a little dissatisfying. also agree that the bridge sounds similar to living legend’s bridge It doesn’t sound like nfr to me, her vocals are giving me early 2013 unreleased vibes but the mixing and overlaying vocals throws me off, Id prefer without it I hope this is the start of the album and the rest of the songs go in a different more aggressive direction (DEALER) like jack and her mentioned in their interview ~ let’s not forget ladies anyways i’m gonna try to listen only a couple times bc i don’t want it to be stale once the album comes out
  20. right- meanwhile i’m arguing with a fan hell bent on defending her saying “lana should do whatever she wants” like no we all have to wear masks ????? i still love lana of course but why can’t fans admit she’s wrong for wearing that mask
  21. pretty sure if the mask had some extra silicone layer chuck would have pointed that out instead of saying “she tested negative”
  22. i mean i get that she isn’t putting anyone in immediate danger but it was just a really bad move and people will drag her regardless
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