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The Stargirl Pinky

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Everything posted by The Stargirl Pinky

  1. Does the winner get a flash drive hidden in the trash can of a mall of their choosing with an unleaked Lana song inside?
  2. I think you’re onto something bc the the concept of an entirely TLSP album needs to come to life like it’s too good to pass up I just know she’s saving this for when the rock genre becomes trendy like country is rn But I agree with the people that Lasso as its own unique thing has potential to be more cohesive and well thought out
  3. Lana. “You thought I was rich and I am but not how you think” The watch: hold my beer
  4. Calling churchome an actual church is a bit of a stretch imho it’s more of a high end celebrity social club that members pay massive coin for They might sprinkle in some biblical verses here and there mid sentence but overall they’re a status club which fronts as a church to reap the tax benefits who are we kidding here
  5. When Lana premieres Henry Come On with the Moira Rose pope officiant costume then what?
  6. LMAOOOO I just know Lasso has features by el chupacabra and la llorona let’s gooooo SCREAMING LMAO our timing pls
  7. I will always care about your opinion girlie
  8. Legit question why does anyone give a rat’s ass what he has to say? Like what does it even matter? If you like the music you like it. If you don’t you don’t. He is not even remotely part of the equation. And yes I know he rated Tunnel well and I still stand by what I said his opinions are literally pointless and Miss Taylor will get her well deserved streams and that’s how the world spins girlies!!! 🌎🌀🔃🎡
  9. Exactly and I said ma’am!!!
  10. I think you forgot a few M’s bestie 😭😭
  11. She’s getting bold bc she’s probably featured on Lasso which gives her exposure but remember your place Nickleback Lane don’t turn this into a woman against woman scenario there’s too many men turning the girls against each other for you to get on your highhorse_kaceymusgraves.mp3 and bring a fellow woman down
  12. The way I had to come to the boards to see who the guest was plsss I really don’t know any of her songs at all but I thought the performance was kinda fun and I loved Lana’s lil “I love it I love it I love it” moment at the end it was hilarious and adorable 😍
  13. Hi girlies I’m awake, refreshed, rejuvenated, and a lil hungover! Does anyone have a l1nk for the performance? If those are somehow banned then I never asked!
  14. I will be sitting in a hot tub unbothered with a glass of crisp Riesling during what will be her mostly unchanged set and I will see you all in the morning for the highlights
  15. I just wrapped up the anthology album and holy shit what a ride I’m gonna need at least 10 business days to mentally and emotionally recover from this feast tbh it was expected but also was unexpected at the same time but she really came through with the feeding she said you’re hungry and I’m unicef lemme feed the children, no one @ me during this private time I need time and space to process literally everything
  16. LMAOOO agreed pls the girls are gonna come for you but I’ll be your human shield bestie I gotchu
  17. SO HIGH SCHOOL FUCK ME it’s fucking over best track on the entire anthology album truly floored she really did THAT
  18. Wait So High School sounds INCREDIBLE WTFFFF
  19. “D Y I N G” lmfao please
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