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Everything posted by stupidapartmentcomplex

  1. you joining us on the red carpet @111 squiddy bestie? Streets are saying Spongebob will be attending too
  2. Not me on candid camera scurrying around to find a cute lewk for tonight girl
  3. Igual Que Un Ángel is ENDING me my god this album is so good it kept surprising me at every turn
  4. just voted yup contemplating a @Veinsineon sweep
  5. Consider stupidapartmentcomplex for literally any award now if you are sexy and like honeymoon My contribution on this forum has been EXTREMELY wildly far-reaching and big and its not like i sit here reading your posts and not saying anything most of the time im so indie & underground that i've been snubbed the past 3 years.. isn't that crazy so anyways i fear you should vote stupidapartmentcomplex most underrated member!
  6. No matter if she actually contacted Ana's family 'behind the scenes' or not, these mental gymnastics of you trying to defend taylor or stir up some empathy for her in this situation are ridiculous, sorry. Is she too emotionally strained to send like one email to Ana's family and post her picture on instagram or something lmfao please... maybe Ana's family actually doesn't need any more pressure or emotional strain from this, but unfortunately their relative is gone forever & relief is no longer possible.
  7. i was there that ocean blvd outro was the serviest & cuntiest shit on earth i literally cannot i hope someone made a good recording cause i was shaking and crying so bad and there were like 2 minutes of guttural screams from the entire crowd after summertime sadness like i seriously need hearing aids but she said she would always take that cheering with her whenever she was feeling down and she repeated it later on it was so sweet and she was so sweet about everyone putting their lights up during arcadia i really think we made her feel all the love
  8. Lana Del Rey was recently spotted browsing LinkedIn before her show in Sao Paolo when she was supposed to be on stage and getting her wig on. She was reportedly intending to find job vacancies for the LA gays that follow her around everywhere. It seems she has remembered the password to her old LinkedIn page and has updated the description, which now states 'Happily Retired' Everyone please show Lana some love on LinkedIn and follow her, as LinkedIn will reportedly become her main social media outlet
  9. me walking out of the house of that polish socks person with the vinyl picture disc up my hoo-ha
  10. this is exhausting i have obtained permanent mental scars from this pre-release and it isnt even over
  11. this info is really messing with the deluded fantasies and preconceptions i have about this album right now
  12. some of y'all really getting my hopes up and for what anyways beautiful OCEANBLVD_DCOOPEREXCLUSIVE.rar files coming soon 😍😍😍🚀🚀
  13. the way there's still 65 minutes of music we haven't heard on this album - just as long as Honeymoon and UV deluxe we are really winning
  14. omg i cant believe she went back to that tiktok page the snapchat updates thread must be screaming and crying right now
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