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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. she can’t possibly be pregnant she’s comstasntky vaping and was smoking cigarettes a few weeks ago... then again she’s reckless af so...
  2. so does this confirm a preorder tomorrow ? i’m dumb
  3. probably depends on the phone then i guess. for me it opens a linktree with a spotify and AM link and probably a youtube, deezer, shazam etc link tomorrow so idk
  4. on what planet was doin time the lead single ? it wasn’t even supposed to be on the album at the beginning. considering boz tbh fuck him, he seems even more vague and annoying than eclipse. at least miss eclipse gave us straightforward infos without throwing tantrums....
  5. couldn’t that be because blue banisters’ the only one with a mv and they’ll add youtube etc on that page and that’s why it’s separate ?
  6. it’s never too late (so baby don’t give up) to join the psych ward love, welcome to the nuthou- i mean lanaboards
  7. girl he worked with madonna i think he got his fair share of middle aged poppers sniffing bottoms harassing him for news about their queen
  8. wait bestie you finished law school? that’s so great omg congrats when legendary lanaboards user lanadelrey helps us sue the real lana del rey for a decade of psychological damage and lies then what ?
  9. for what ? i’m bored and intrigued
  10. yeah i’m 100% sure her team is smart (for once) and doesn’t add the songs on shazam 3 months before their release but technically, after the songs come out tomorrow, we should be able to crack the code again and find out the rest of the tracklist right?
  11. guys what time (european version por favor) does she usually post? cause it’s starting to make me nervous that we’re supposed to get 3 songs in 24h and miss ma’am is still CRICKETS
  12. exactly ! i noticed the only things they are right about is stuff either boz or éclipse said before them. the rest is always "i’m guessing but i don’t know" "i can’t confirm yet" which shows they don’t have any clue without other’s help. and the rest are just smart guesses like i could tweet "lana del rey will release an album during the year" and be right cause DUH ofc it’s lana tf... making smart guesses we could make too isn’t insider work to me yet twitter bottoms eat it up like cupcakes....
  13. well... i still wouldnt be shocked if it was true
  14. blue banisters is neither country nor a cover so no on another note did boz really just tweet courtney’s on the album?
  15. those "rumors" come from diorleak aka not reliable. his guesses are just so... ugh a blind monkey could make the same guesses he does and still be correct
  16. i mean if it works it works, having a bunch of sissys crying about something as irrelevant like an album/single cover and giving you international free promo without you lifting a single finger... nah that’s pure genius to me idc idc
  17. more like it’s time to take her feature out of lana’s discography exactly
  18. i think it’s safe to say a potential delay is now to expect
  19. i knew all of this was too good to be true see i knew we couldn’t trust this bitch i hate it here
  20. yeah but what does "quiet for now"? smells like delay to me
  21. ok that’s it where’s that noose i made earlier today I NEED A CHAIR
  22. that doesn’t mean much...yet edit: okay now wtf does this dumb fag mean by "quiet for now" i swear to fucking god if this was a joke or it’s already delayed
  23. so... do we think the album’s really coming in july/during summer/before september (or else i’m pulling up to her addy tf) or will this be another "two end of summer tracks hihi" and the rest comes out a year and half later ?
  24. it’s giving halsey/justin bieber... and that’s not a good thing
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