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Voluntary Leave
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Everything posted by COCC

  1. Oh, you mean being realistic. Don‘t think we‘ve ever tried that.
  2. Why do we think she has nothing better to do on her birthday than post about her work? I missed the rumors, but I want to join you on the clown train
  3. I like how even though it is her birthday we are all expecting a gift for ourselves
  4. Having interesting views on life. Also: Courtney Love I hope I do not annoy you with it
  5. this year's and next year's Lipster of the year
  6. The stars aligning on her birthday, the LFL trailer, stargirl interlude going viral… what if LDR9 is called Stargirl In any case I think we should give the boobies a break and manifest music to bounce your pecs to
  7. I'm just happy when I don't have to see a man sitting in bean dip again. The COCC rollout was... different.
  8. I forgot to post this last week. LB in a nutshell
  9. You made me trade my violets for roses You tried to trade in my new truck for horses Don't forget all of these things that you love are the same things I hate I chose this
  10. Lana: Making an instagram live stream to talk about NFR That one user: getting ready to ask her if she‘s a furry I really hope we get more of these precious moments with LDR9 and more live streams in general
  11. Sorry, I didn’t want to stop this game. I’ll just choose a funnier / less nerdy question Do you like being alone?
  12. Coming for your fourth worst taste award, I see
  13. Joining LB would lead to her second question for the culture
  14. Those sheets are brighter than my future
  15. Legend! I love how you post again after almost a year and your post just makes total sense
  16. I also wouldn‘t mind to have some medieval bops
  17. Let Me Love Thee Like a Woman, a beautiful record with gregorian chants. Hath brought to thee by thy favorite maid Lana Del Rey, the most wondrous bard of this generation.
  18. „Elizabeth, you‘re going go perform the Super Bowl halftime show. Prepare your swing.“
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