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Everything posted by Offtotheraces01

  1. Ugh its so bittersweet seeing lana get ready for this leg of the tour. Wasnt able to get tickets on sale day so ive been hoping to snag a resale, except the prices at the venues near me havent budged much and the fees they add on are ridiculous. I wanna go so bad, these past few albums have meant so much to me, but i cant reason spending soo much money for only getting “semi decent” seats :-(((((((((( fuck resale sites
  2. Lowkey think we should move maybe a lil bit. Ive flown into newark plenty and im 90% sure thats the aiport. Would be very random for him to use a lana song while posting that hes arriving where the vmas are held
  3. Maybe she followed them on insta because they told her she was gonna win one of the awards. I know she was nominated in a category that you couldnt vote for, so it will be interesting to see what happens
  4. Well… sza posted something that said “LANA” on her insta story a few weeks ago and when people started asking if a collab was coming she literally had to be like “lana is my nickname…” so i wouldnt get my hopes up
  5. Lol yasssss meteorologist! I totally agree, it shouldn't cause much of an issue if any with people who already have tix. I'm just one of the unlucky ones who didnt get tix yet and figured ill just wait it out😂 def have trauma from hurricane ian and tropical storm nicole less than a year ago so im checking those updates every few hours lmao. I did just check and the venue is a few miles out of the storm surge, but the surrounding area is expecting quite a bit of storm surge. Stay safe huns <3
  6. Hey girls guys gays and theys! As a floridian i feel like i should warn you that it looks like a hurricane is going to take a direct hit at tampa with severe flooding. If you are in the area, please stay safe! Still havent bought tickets but might wait the storm out in case theres any delays due to the storm, they are expecting effects to be very widespread.
  7. Tea cuz i checked the prices today and its def way more affordable for my closest venue then it was
  8. Controversial opinion maybe, but i think a lot of lanas “misheard” lyrics are made to sound that way on purpose. Mother loves wordplay, i wouldn't be surprised if there are some intentional double meanings in her lyrics. “White mustang” sounding like “why am i staying?” is the first one that comes to mind.
  9. This is so fucking sick and twisted! Literally wanna scream
  10. Im gonna be real with you bb it said the same thing to me and i got to checkout at 10:45 and it wouldnt let me buy anything
  11. I told myself i wouldnt be dramatic over concert tickets but im just super depressed rn. I waited a whole hour to get tickets in my cart just for none of them to be available at checkout
  12. West palm sold out yall, i waited for an hour and it wouldnt let me buy any of the tickets that were “available”
  13. Im going straight through live nation, but theyre powered by ticket master. Ive heard tickets sold anywhere else are more than likely resale so i would say ordering straight from the site would be the best option
  14. AHHH todays the day! Good luck to all my girlies trying to secure tickets today!!!
  15. Shes def gonna perform breaking up slowly and i personally live for that
  16. Exactly. I read that vivid seats amps their prices based on demand. They def are seats that are pre owned and resold cuz wtf
  17. So i did some research cuz i got scared lmao. I noticed it says “these tickets are selling fast” “only 4% of seats left” when thats literally impossible. I read somewhere that while both sites are “legit”, theyre probably partnered with said company which is selling tickets early for more at a wayyyy higher price. Some people said they had issues with receiving their tickets from those sites on time, but they were otherwise valid. I think ill wait til friday
  18. Hoping to see some of yall at the florida shows👀
  19. I saw her in orlando in 2018 and my 2nd row tickets that were a bit back were like 200ish each. I could imagine ampitheatre shows might be *slightly* less expensive
  20. This lmao😭 i dont wanna spend more than a few hundred for a decent viewpoint
  21. I could totally see her going a country route, but i could also see her not. She’s done covers on tour that have later been used on an upcoming albums before, but i also feel like she thinks ocean blvd is country inspired. I remember the W magazine interview where she mentioned country as an influence for this album. If anything, i could see those songs on a country covers album (remember when we recently got a snippet of “take me home country roads”) so who knows what miss Lanita has up her sleeve
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