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Everything posted by honeybadger

  1. but kintsugi didn't say it was their name, they said it was a nickname, and why would they say that if the track is just "kintsugi"
  2. be careful ... this is what prerelease can do to you, everyone stay safe, keep your loved ones close and out of the influence of these evil forces
  3. am i the only one that doesnt read this as confirmation at all ... like he says shit like that all the time making fun of unconfirmed things does he not not a "kintsugi" title denier but im a SKEPTIC okay????????
  4. it is called ocean blvd after all.... where is the excitement for the oceanic surf noir dolphin flower seafoam nova comeback? fishtails is so lizzy grant mixed with the smell of a musty natural history museum
  5. we've spent all this time analyzing the tracklist but maybe we should be analyzing this instead get your glasses on girls
  6. i just want more pretty pictures … MORE!! more pretty pictures and pretty videos because i like watching pretty lana do pretty things low key i think she doesn’t trust any magazine to interview her especially after her fuck you complex thing before chemtrails was released so i think she’s just given up on that
  7. i personally think she loved watching our conversation about her feet and foot fetishes and how they might relate to ocean blvd
  8. since yes to heaven is registered on databases like ASCAP and BMI under lana's name, does that mean the streaming royalties from random spotify uploads etc actually still go to her/the actual music publisher and then to her based on the contract she has with them? because payment-per-stream doesn't actually go straight into the pocket of the uploader, it goes to the rightsholders, who i think in this case would be actually be EMI music publishing? because someone besides the fuckers uploading her unreleased own the rights to this music, and therefore the people who actually are the rightsholders should be receiving royalties for it... rather than whatever random person uploaded it
  9. speaking of rob and patty.. this specific moment lives permanently in my mind curious about what "the grants" will consist of and how her family feels about it
  10. her father never stepped in when his wife would rage at her so she ended up awkward but sweet
  11. i know you figured out which one it was but i love sharing stuff from shows so — there’s also this photo (there may be a few member, cant quite remember right now) and a video!
  12. she looks so cute and happy she’s also been posting fairly regularly, every few days or so, so i have some faith something album-related will happen soon she’s practicing consistency
  13. omg … she’s seeing the feet posts.. or maybe she’s kintsugi
  14. i just want to know if the sample is lyrics or melody or instrumental or a literal stem/something right from the song etc
  15. grandfather song is going to be such an elemental earth wind fire water wind and storm slay ..
  16. i would throw the "releasing disco" part out the window then, that was really just an afterthought on my part ...
  17. Reasons Why the Sample Could Be Disco: a) she posted a video with disco in it a while ago (2017) .... she also did that with cherry blossom, and cherry blossom was eventually released. disco could be another one of her favorite tracks that she's made, and she's already shared it in one form, so it's possible she'll want to release it or sample it because she loves it b) there's also the "made me feel like a god" line in white dress which is similar to "i am my only god", another (smaller, perhaps coincidental) callback to disco d) lana posted on honeymoon with the caption "#IJustDon'tCareeeeeee" which is a line from disco (also the only line that she sung in the 2017 video... it could be her favorite line! if she samples a lyric or the melody it could be that one) c) kaiman kazazian (who styled her!! and did the illustrations) posted part of an old video of lizzy singing disco (this one) to her story the same day lana made her "U can take ‘em out of the trailer park but…." post e) she was going through old photos, posted a photo of her in a scarface sweatshirt, etc etc all around the same time as her trailer park girl post in september. these are all very ~lizzy grant~ activities and if she WAS filming something around that time and it WAS related to disco/the song she samples disco in... it makes sense that she'd revisit her lizzy days! f) she posted the ASCAP news clipping from the lizzy show where she met ben, which is just a nice little memory, but she didn't post anything for BTD 10th anniversary so like i don't think she's good at remembering anniversaries unless they're on her mind and why was this one in particular on her mind? because she was revisiting old shows and lizzy things!!!!!!! to prepare for releasing a song that samples disco/releasing disco!!! you may be saying, but honeybadger, there's no writers credited for disco! and to that i say lana could've very well written that song all by herself, just as she did with many of her laptop demos and songs around that time, and therefore doesn't need to credit anybody for the writing whether she's sampling lyrics, melody, etc. i don't think she would have to credit anybody besides herself and now i am done.
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